Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friiday, 4/7/23, Hailey and Peyton had fun hanging out together, went to Riverside for lunch, Vikki came over, went to good

Hailey, Peyton and I enjoying our lunch
Love these sweet granddaughters

My pretty $4.75 hyacinth from Aldi
Daffodil blossom opened today

We got to our Good Friday service early.  Awesome music was playing about the words Jesus spoke on the cross.  Then Austin sang an amazing song about what Jesus went through because of his love for us. There was prayer, then pastor took one of the seven things Jesus said on the cross.  We had time to spend time asking God about what He wants us to do after we heard each one.  At the end pastor read scripture on communion, we examined our hearts, prayed and then took communion.  We left like we always do on Good Friday. just remembering what Jesus did and focusing on Him, leaving quietly.  Pastor always does an absolutely amazing job putting our Good Friday services together so we really think about what Jesus did and how much he loves us.

I got up and made coffee and had my oatmeal.  Hailey got up shortly after.  She ate cereal for breakfast, then sat on the couch listening to worship music with me.  Peyton got up about a half hour later.  She just wanted toast with jelly.  I read the Bible to them.  We read about Jesus  being betrayed, suffering for us and dying on the cross, taking the sin of the world upon him.
We talked about the criminal on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him and read those words, today you will be with me in paradise.   

The girls watched a show on tv.  I made and got the rolls baked.  Made pudding for a chocolate banana pie and banana cream pudding dessert for tomorrow.  Went outside and checked out how the back yard was drying up for our egg hung.  It is doing good. 
When the rolls were cool, the girls and I went to Riverside for lunch.  They wanted chocolate chip pancakes and I had a grilled chicken cordon blue sandwich.  We sure had fun talking and laughing.  We came back and Hailey had to leave.  Peyton played Minecraft with Eli on her computer.  I made the banana cream pudding dessert, and made the chocolate banana pie.  Vikki came and picked up Peyton so she could go play with her friend Ava.      

Bill and I took a short nap.  Vikki called me.  I rested for a little while longer.  Kimmy called and I talked to her for a while.  We got ready and left for our Good Friday service at church.  
There were lots there.  Awesome service!  Came home and watched the Jesus of Nazarene movie.  Turned it off because it didn't follow scripture in a lot of places.  

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