Saturday, April 15, 2023

Sat., 4/15/23, Finished weeding around the shed, then did around one side of the house, Jack and Evan came over, found Bill's phone, Vikki came over, went to Adam's soccer game


The really tall plant is my crown of thorns plant.    Below is what it looked like when I got it.  It was in a small plastic cup.  Sure is a big difference.

It's just amazing what a day of nice sunny weather does

Papa and Evan playing ping pong, Jack watching.  Papa can no longer skunk these boys.  They are improving all the time.
Jack and Evan were having fun outside with the light sabres, but it got too hot.  

Evan sitting across from us.  It was cool in the shade of the gazebo.
Jack and I hanging out on the swing
Bill's phone the boys found and I picked up in the middle of busy Midland Rd.

Adam with his team and coach at the game

Adam made lots of good plays

Bill, Adam and I after his game. I always wanted to be short and now I am lol.

I went outside right away this morning and got busy at finishing the 3 foot area by the shed deck.  Then I did the other side and also around one side of the house.  I finished right before the workers came to aerate our yard, plant some grass and fertilize our lawn.  The young guy working was doing such a great job and was working so hard that I went out to see if he needed anything to drink.  He had just got some water he brought.  I talked to him for a minute and told him he was a really hard worker and was doing a great job.  We talked for a few minutes, then I asked him if he knew Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  He said he did and went to show me the cross he wore around his neck, and said he forgot to put it on today.  What a nice kid.  He worked for 2 1/2 hours walking really fast pushing that big machine.  Then after that he spread the grass seed where it needed to be put.  His dad got here then and drove the machine around and put the fertilizer on the lawn. 

Bill went to coffee with Charlie.  Then they went to Verizon to check about getting a new phone for Bill.  They ordered one that will come on Monday.  When he was done, he went and  put brake fluid in Hailey's car, then picked up Jack and Evan to come spend some time at our house.  Melissa, Bruce and Max went to visit Bruce's parents.

When the boys came, I was talking to Vikki.  She told me I should see if the boys want to walk down the road and look for Bill's cell phone and get $10 if they find it.  They both did.  They walked down to the corner and back, about 2 miles, and didn't find it.  Bill walked to meet them when they were coming back.  They played ping pong, then had spaghetti'o's for lunch, then I gave them each some brownies I had made while they were on their walk.  Evan and Jack went outside for a while, but it was pretty warm in the driveway where they were playing so they came to the back under the gazebo where Kit Kat and I were sitting.  Bill came out to sit with us too.  It was cool and comfortable there.  We watched lots of birds and talked about different things.  Evan had me text Adam about his Minecraft problem.  Adam is going to help him later.  We texted Hailey to see if she was home, but she didn't answer, so we thought the boys had better get home to let a dog they are watching, Badger, outside.  When we got to the end of our road and turned onto Midland Rd. Jack said there was a phone in the road.  Evan said he saw it too and it had a bent corner.  I turned around and we went past, but missed seeing it.  We turned around again so we could look again.  We saw a metal shiny thing, but the cars were going so fast and we really couldn't tell what it was.  I took the boys home, and on the way Hailey let me know she was home.  I was wishing I had brought her a brownie, because I sent one with each of the boys.  I headed back home, and pulled on to our road and pulled over to see what the boys saw in the road.  It took a while, because the traffic just flies down that road and it's a 5 lane highway.  I finally got to the middle, and it didn't look like Bill's phone.  It was metal, was purple so I was almost sure that wasn't hs,  and didn't even look much like a phone from the view I had.  I grabbed it though and decided to take it home to see.  Bill didn't think it was his phone either and neither did Vikki.  Bill started looking on line and saw that his phone did have purple underneath and hit measured the same size.  Then I sent a picture to Rody and he thought it was.  I called to let Jack know he and Evan would each be getting $10.  I can't believe they saw this thing all smashed. It is just nice to know where his phone is and that no one can get any information out of it.  Good thing he has insurance. I told Hailey I wished I would have sent a brownie for her, and she told me Evan gave her his brownie.  What a kindhearted kid he is.  Vikki came over to drop my phone case off that came today, and wanted to go look where the phone was to see if we could find the case.  We were just going to do that.  We all went and Bill walked down one side of the road and Vikki and I walked down the other side.  I found a couple of Jesus loves you cards that I knew were Bill's.  Then Vikki found some and motorcycle cards too.  Then I found his Tim Horton gift card which made him happy.  It's bent, but they cans still use the number off it.  It had $11 on it still.  We never did find the case.

Bill and I went to Adam's game and enjoyed watching it, although I was concerned about Adam and prayed for him the whole game.  When he came out the first time, he told his coach his head hurt.  Then I saw him looking at his hands and bending his fingers, like something was wrong.  Kimmy had said he hand numbness in his hands that day during his first soccer game and his head was hurting.  After the game was over, we went to take a picture and we all laid hands on Adam and prayed for him.  His neurologist appt. got postponed until June.  I sure love that boy.  Love all the wonderful grandkids the Lord has given me.  Want to see them all healthy and doing well.  We stopped at Home Depot and got some more grass seed because Bill wanted to put more in some places. (Grass seed is super expensive these days!  Wow $69 for a 20 lb. bag.)  That was the cheapest.  When we got home, I turned the sprinklers on where the grass seed was already down and Bill put the other grass seed down.  I put the cushions away because it is supposed to rain tomorrow.  Then I made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches which were requested by Bill and sounded good to me.



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