Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Wed., 3/5/23, Stormy morning, Melissa and Max came over, Took Meredith to work, Stopped at Vikki's, Brad and Jen came over, Got Easter Baskets and Easter bags ready

Me and my Abby Girl
Vader looking very sweet
Max and Vader...Vader loves paper towel holders

Melissa and Vader.  Vader was sitting so pretty
Love Max's smile in this picture
Vikki's school lost power too.  She had to work in the dark and write down each kid's order.  She didn't take her glasses so it wasn't easy.  She had to enter them in the computer when the electricity came back on.  Stressful day for her!

Lol....Mouse traps stuck on the screen and also some on the deck.  Trying to break Kit Kat from climbing on the screen and clawing it up.  Naughty Kitty!!!  She kept looking at them, and then would turn and go the other way.  No climbing today.  Good Kitty!!!
Water everywhere in our little woods

Water in the middle of the yard and the garden is pretty much under water. Rain Rain go away!
Anybody want to swing???
Beautiful sunset!

Put worship music on.  Talked to Kimmy for a while.  Melissa was just telling us last night that they hardly ever lose power because their cables are underground.  Well, today she called and they didn't have any power.  She decided to take Max out to get lunch.  Bill used to take us all to get ice cream or something when our power would go out when they were little.  She is carrying on that tradition.  Max called me after they ate and wanted to know if they could come over.  His idea, yay!  Of course I told him I would love for them to come.  They came and I gave him a hug.  He had Abby and Vader with him, so I gave them some attention too.  I showed him all the puddles in the yard.  We visited for a long time.  We had chips for a snack.  We had so much fun.  He is really doing a great job training Vader.  He told us about going on the ship and how good Vader did on it.  Papa took him on it a few years ago and so they shared memories of that.  Melissa charged up her phone here and Max charged his iPad.  They stayed until I had to leave at 1:40 to pick up Meredith from school and take her to work.  Their power was back on when they got home.  Yay!  Meredith was sweet and was so happy that I brought her a Happy Meal to eat before work.  Her mom told me that's what she likes when I asked.  She told me she was going to scarf it down.  I told her I would drive slower lol.  We had a nice visit on the way.  I went to get a  few more things I need for Easter.  Stopped at Melissa's and then stopped at Vikki's for a few minutes.  Remembered to take pictures today.  Came home and Brad and Jen got here right after I did.  They wanted us to go on a motorcycle ride because it was 70 degrees and so nice out.  Bill had to work on some CMA stuff, so we decided to go next week when it's nice instead.  They visited for a while.  He will be giving Bibles away in our church parking lot on his birthday, so I went upstairs and got some new ones we have had in the closet to see if he wanted them.  He did, so Bill will be taking them to Faith Riders meeting to give them to him.  He used to be in the Devil's Disciples so this is just awesome to see how God changes a person's heart and rescues them.  He is always doing something for the Lord now.  His wife helps him with the ministry he's doing.  

Contacted the company on Amazon that I bought two lights for upstairs from.  The glass got broken on one so I was trying to order a replacement.  They don't have replacements, but the girl was super nice and wanted to do something.  A grandkid broke the light and that wasn't even the company's fault.  She gave me a code for a 50% off coupon so I could order another light and get one free.  We wanted two of the same kind of lights for your bedroom night stands, so I ordered.  There was also a -$3.00 coupon I could click on, then we had reward points so got another 13.42 off.  We ended up paying $8.30 and the lights arrive tomorrow.  Talk about the Lord working all things out for good for those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose.  I love how He even cares about the little things.  I almost want to thank that grandkid for breaking the glass lol.  

We read our Bibles, then I made salmon and baked potatoes for dinner.  Bill worked on CMA stuff and I filled Easter Baskets for Saturday's gathering.  I made up two baskets instead of just an adult basket because so many kids want money this year instead of baskets.  I figured all of the kids and adults can help eat those goodies.  Kenzie called me and will be coming Saturday now.   

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