Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Wed., 4/26/23, Long bath and Bible reading in the morning, Charlie dropped off some sauerkraut with potatoes and sausage, made homemade veggie soup, went to Vikki's

Isaac greeted me when I got there
Peyton came out and greeted me to and started playing

Jack and Isaac playing basketball

Peyton and Evan had lots of fun...Jack and Isaac in background
Jack and Peyton
Evan...he was trying to hide on me

Bill left to do some errands and then meet Charlie.  I ate breakfast, drank my coffee, then took a nice long hot bath and listened to worship music.  Then I read my Bible.  Charlie dropped off some sauerkraut for me.  It had potatoes and sausage in it and was so good.  So sweet of him and Sue to do.  

It was pretty cold out so I stayed in all day.  I was kind of tired, because the PA is having me take 2 Zirtec instead of one,  I didn't feel like doing much today.  I did make some homemade veggie soup though.  Will be sharing some tomorrow.

I went to Vikki's house to look at her new faucet. Isaac came around the corner of the house and gave me a hug.  Then Peyton came out of the house to give me a hug.  Love my hugs!   Vikki's faucet is so nice.  I know she is going to love it.  Peyton gave me two beautiful pictures she colored.  One is a bird and the other is sunflowers.  I forgot them when I left, so have to get them quickly so I can hang them on my refrigerator.  She is a good artist.  Jack and Evan came while I was there, so I was happy to see them.  I got my hugs from them too.

I made up some chicken salad so I can make sandwiches for Melissa, Kimmy and me for tomorrow at the garage sales.  Hailey is coming in the morning with us, but will be going back to her car around noon.  Can't wait to do our traditional garage sale hunting.

If you are reading this, Lela, know that we are praying lots for you.  You are a strong person, with a great outlook on life and a great trust in the Lord.  You will be having another testimony after going through this.  You sure are a miracle lady.  We will continue to pray and we are sending love and hugs.  For some reason, your blog now says I have to comment through google so I can no longer comment on your blog.  


1 comment:

Lela Russell said...

Thanks a bunch, Penny. I thought old age brought a slowdown. Well, I guess I'm not in old age. Everything seems to have sped up. My job is to hang on and make room for the team. I'm so grateful to have a wonderful team at the I U Medical Center. They have done me well with a guarantee to continue on.