Friday, May 11, 2018

5/11/18....Took Jack to school for his field trip, went to Tim Horton's with Vikki, Took Kids to McDonalds

Vikki made these beautiful chains for our pendants

Jack dressed up for his field trip

Jack went to Fowler School on a field trip.  Spent the day in the one room schoolhouse.  He and his class dressed up and got to spend an entire school day like it would have been back in the 1890's. He used Grandpa Adam's name.
Conner, Jack and Caleb 

Peyton and Isaac

Vikki took Hailey, Max and Evan to school.  I took Jack as he had his pail, drink, backpack and was dressed up in his outfit for his field trip.  I went to Vikki's afterward and we went to Tim Horton's and had a bagel, cappuccinos and donuts.  Got some groceries and then went home.  I went to Vikki's before picking the kids up from school and dropped off the pendants Kenzie made for me and Vikki Eddy for her to make chains for.  They turned out beautiful.  Picked Hailey, Max, Jack and Evan up and took them for shakes, hot fudge sundae, and frappe' at McDonalds.  They have been super good in the car so I decided to bless them.  They were pretty happy.  Took a frappe to Melissa too.  

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