Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5/29/18...Went to breakfast, Went to Boehler's and got our plants for the garden and some flowers. Planted the Garden. Went to Melissa's, Picked up kiddos from school, Went to Vikki's helped with her garden.

Our garden after we planted it and got the fence up

Our little squash, pumpkin and cucumber garden.  The rhubarb is growing nicely.
Nora loved Melissa's new double swing.  I pushed her lots on it.
Bill tilled Vikki's Garden and Vikki, the kids and I planted it.
Isaac, Peyton and me planting seeds

Garden all planted
Bill and I went to breakfast.  After breakfast, we went to Boehler's and got our plants for the garden and some flowers to plant in our pots.  We came home and got the garden planted and the fence put up around it to keep the critters out.  I went to Melissa's after that to play with Nora outside for a while.  We had fun on the trampoline and she loved swinging.  Didn't stay out too long because it was very hot outside.  Went and picked up Hailey, Max, Jack and Evan and dropped them off.  We went to Vikki's and Bill tilled the garden while Vikki and I went to get her plants and seeds for the garden.  I gave her a Kale plant I had left over and some onions.  We got back and Vikki, Peyton, Isaac and I planted everything.  We had fun!  i always feels good when the garden is planted.  I love my family!

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