Friday, May 18, 2018

5/18/19 HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEETIE ADAM!. Called Adam and wished him Happy Birthday right away in the morning. Went to Melissa's to take Nora outside, Took Bill's walker with the seat on it to Louise for her to use. Picked up the boys and Hailey at school.

Happy Birthday to Adam!  He is so caring and sweet always.  Love how he helps with whatever Papa and I need him to do.  He sure brings lots of joy to our hearts.  Love his sweet smile and love him so much!
The eagle we go sit and watch was in our Township View!  I went there today and there was a car parked and the guy had a camera with a ginormous lens aimed at the eagle.

It was nice out, so I went to Melissa's to play outside with Nora.

Walked at SportsZone in the morning.  Went two miles.  Came home and made oatmeal for Bill and I.
I picked up Adam's Birthday present at Walmart and went to Melissa's at 10.  It was nice out so Nora was pretty excited to go outside.  We blowed bubbles.  Melissa blew the biggest one and I blew the one that went the farthest and highest.  Nora blew lots of little ones.  She loved being pushed on the swing.  We jumped on the trampoline.  I sure got my exercise doing that. After that, I took Bill's walker with a seat to Louise.  She was pretty happy to get it.  They were supposed to get her one while she was in therapy in Florida, but didn't.  They did have her practice walking with one though.  I found a couple puzzle pieces and put them in her puzzle.  Helped her make her bed and put the comforter on too.  Picked Hailey and the boys up from school.  When I got home, Bill was finishing cutting the grass.  I started unpacking everything in the camper and he came and helped me.  We went to Old Town Drive In and had coney dogs, fries and a root beer for our date night.  We went and walked through Lowes and then came home.

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