Thursday, May 3, 2018

5/3/18...Baked cookies, made brownies, made a roast, carrots and potatoes, Picked up Melissa's kiddos, took them to see the eagles, took meal to Susan, had officer's meeting at our house,

Nice pictures I borrowed from Kimmy



Love this sheep picture

Adam and the 5 grade DARE graduation.  So proud of Adam for being part of this great program

Way to go Adam

Three wonderful boys...Adam, Jacob and Eli

Bill volunteered at the VA driving patients.  I baked cookies and made brownies for our officer's meeting tonight.  Made a roast, carrots and potatoes for dinner.  Did some cleaning.  Picked Hailey, Max, Jack and Evan up after school.  Took them by the Eagle's next and one of the eagles was sitting there on the nest and they got to see him really good. They were pretty excited.  I dropped them off at home and came home.  Melissa called and the dr. appointment with the new dr. was cancelled because she is too complicated for the physician's assistant she would have to start with.  I was almost panicky but then prayed and the Lord spoke to my heart that He provided the diamond when she needed it and He will take care of this.  I felt such a great peace.  When the roast was done, I packed up containers for Susan and took her a meal.  She is feeling much better she said and starting to get her energy back.  She had a liver transplant over a year ago and has had many complications.  Came home and ate and then got the coffee made and things set out for our officer's meeting.  Bill did a great job leading it and everything went well.  Bill Smith gave me the name of his family's doctor's and I called Melissa after our meeting.  She and Bruce had talked to a nurse whose kids go to school with their kids and she said she goes to the same doctors and really likes them.  Now I am praying she can get into them.

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