Monday, May 28, 2018

5/28/19...Took the kids to play games and go to the park at BayShore, we packed up while they were there. Wes and Gayla left, then Vikki, Hailey and the kids left, and then we left. Such a good time at BayShore once again!

Hailey and Abby
Jack and Evan on their new double swing
Max and Jeffry Peanut 
Max, me and Evan,  Hailey, Bill and Jack
Hailey painting a crate for her room

We took the kids to play games at the tabernacle field.  The people in charge said they were going to take them to the park.  We packed up to leave while they were gone. Wes and Gayla left, then Vikki got the kids and left.  Hailey rode with her.  We left a half hour after Vikki.We got back from BayShore and got the camper unpacked.  Melissa called and wanted to know if we would like to come over for a cookout.  Of course we said yes.  Bruce had made a great cut up veggie salad, macaroni salad, and cut up fruit.  He had chips and potato salad too. He grilled chicken, burgers and hotdogs on the grill.  Everything was delicious. We had ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  We sure had a great time and it was an absolutely beautiful day.  I love my family!

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