Tuesday, May 15, 2018

5/15/18..Went to breakfast, met Vikki in Flint for lunch, Went through more pictures, picked up Hailey and went shopping for a swimsuit.

Melissa and Bruce bought 3 of these plants.  Melissa was loving looking out her window at them this morning with her beautiful tree in the background
Max, Abby, Jack and Evan.  Bruce picked the boys up from school today

Abby and Hailey

 Cute swimsuit Hailey got
Went to breakfast at Sullivans.  Louise came and we were all so happy to see her.  She is using a walker since she had an aortic valve replaced in Florida.  She is 93.  Becky, her daughter, brought her and it was nice to see her too.  Sandy was also back from Florida and at breakfast.  It was so nice seeing her too.  After breakfast, I went to Melissa's for a few minutes.  Nora was happy to see me and took me to see her dolls she was playing with and also to see Abby.  It was raining out, so I couldn't take her outside to play.  Melissa loves her huge hanging plants I picked up for them at the Mennonite Store for 2/$25.  They do look beautiful on her porch.  I went to Flint after that and met my friend Vikki at the Christian Book Store.  It rained on the drive there, but as soon as we came out of the book store, it stopped.  We went to Logan's for lunch.  Got there about 10 minutes early, so we just sat in Shane's car, which she was using, until they opened.  We both had Salmon, rice and shared broccoli and a veggie skewer. Our waiter talked us out of ordering asparagus because you only get 4 pieces for $1.99 and the other veggies, come with the meal.  Funny because after he left, we both said we would have paid that because we were hungry for it, but after he said that we didn't want to order it from him.  Ha Ha!  Should have just done it anyhow.  We had a nice visit during our lunch. Went to Ollie's and did some shopping after we ate.  I got home, and had about an hour before I had to pick Hailey up from school and take her shopping for a swimsuit.  Bruce got out early from his class, and he picked the boys up.  He waved to me in the line of cars.  Hailey found a cute swimsuit at the first store we went to which was Justice.  She had one picked out, and while she was trying it on, the girl working brought me three more she found in Hailey's size.  Hailey liked one of those ones.  She was so nice and Hailey really liked this one that she brought.  I took a picture to send Melissa to make sure she liked it.  She did!  Hailey and I went to Taco Bell after that and she got her usual Nacho Bell Grande with not tomatoes and extra sour cream and a lemonade and I got my usual double decker supreme.  We always get the same thing no matter how many times we go there.  I took her home and went in for a minute to see Melissa and the boys. Got home and went through more old pictures to get them organized.

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