Friday, November 23, 2018

11/22/18...Happy Thanksgiving!!!.Went to breakfast, played Skip Bo, Had Thanksgiving Dinner, Walked through the museum, Played more Skip Bo, Ate dinner, hung out, Had banana splits

Bill in front of the Livery we stayed in at the Shack


Bill by at 1929 Ford.  That's the year Grandma was born

Such a cute little couple in the museum
Me by a chicken crate.  Aunt Linda and I used to crawl in these when we were little.
Woke up giving the Lord thanks for all of the many blessings He has blessed us with.  So thankful for Jesus laying down His life so we could have salvation through faith in Him, God's Word to lead and guide us, The Holy Spirit to teach us, Our wonderful family who is so caring and loving.  We are thankful for our friends and for all of God's amazing creation.  All we have is from Him!  We had a great day.  Had a yummy breakfast in the morning, Walked around the inside of our lodge and then went to the museum and walked around and looked at all the neat antiques.  Played Skip Bo.  There were lots of Amish playing Rook at the the table next to us.  We talked to an 85 year old Amish man from Indiana about Jacob's Choice.  He has read the books and his wife was a relative of the family in the book.  We told them about Jared and his parents being relatives too.  There weren't as many Amish there as usual, but still had lots there.  They were very kind and friendly to us.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with the works and lots of pie to choose from for dessert.  We had apple.  Not as good as Kimmy's Apple Pie though.  We went to our rooms and relaxed for a little while.  All of a sudden we heard something at our door and it flew open.  Sue thought our room was hers and came right in.  We all got a good laugh and teased her over that one.  Was happy to get a call from Kimmy wishing us Happy Thanksgiving.  We played some more Skip Bo.  Everybody won except Charlie. Worked some on a puzzle that was on the table.  Found a few pieces.  It was a very hard puzzle with tiny pieces.  We had left over turkey and all that goes with it for dinner.  We all ate light because we were still pretty full and needed to have room for our banana splits.  Played more Skip Bo and Charlie still didn't win.  Had our banana splits which were yummy.  Mary's granddaughter and her boyfriend did a great job scooping ice cream and cutting bananas.  They put a whole banana in our dish and three huge scoops of ice cream.  I only took two scoops tonight though.

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