Sunday, November 4, 2018

11/4/18...Peyton and Isaac came over to shop and fill Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Peyton and Isaac eating before we went shopping

Isaac and Peyton raking our leaves

Peyton riding Sandy at Meijer.  Still only a penny.  I told her mom and aunts used to ride Sandy when they were little.  
Isaac riding Sandy

Peyton giving Sandy a push while Isaac was riding

Isaac and Peyton eating their Hot Fudge Sundaes

                                   Good to the last drop.  They got every bit out of their dish

Peyton filling her shoe box for Operation Christmas Child

Isaac putting stuff in his box

Peyton and Isaac did a great job and kept asking about the kids that would get them.  We are praying for the sweet kiddos that get our boxes.

We went to church.  Had a good time visiting with friends before the service started.  Worship was amazing.  They sang "This is How I Fight My Battles" which is one of my very favorite songs.  Dan gave the message and it was a really good one.  After church we came home and ate.  Vikki came over to pick up a table for her bazaar.  I kept the kids to go shopping with me and help me get stuff for the Operation Christmas Child Boxes.  We went to the Mall and got a sweatshirt for Kenzie with her Cat's picture on it for her birthday.  It turned out so cute.  We went to all the stores with toys in the Mall.  It only took 20 minutes and the sweatshirt was finished.  We went to Meijer after that and got the stuff we needed for the shoe boxes.  Went to Culver's and Peyton and Isaac had hot fudge sundaes.  I had buy one get one free coupon.  They wanted the ice cream flavor of the day, Cappuccino cookie crumble.  Also picked up two Concrete Mixers I had a coupon for and took them home for Bill and I to have.  Came home and did the shoe boxes.  The kids were excited to do the boxes.  They did a great job.  They wanted to play in the leaves, bt Peyton had a dress on and no coat.  We looked upstairs and found a sweatshirt, a pair of short and a pair of knee high socks of Kenzie's for her to use.  Isaac borrowed a sweatshirt too.  They had fun raking and playing in the leaves.  I took them home and went in for a while.  The doggies were happy to see me and did good.  I made scalloped potatoes and ham for dinner.  Bill and I watched  a Hallmark Movie.  

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