Thursday, November 1, 2018

11/1/18...Took Melissa to Therapy, Picked her kiddos up at 11:30, Got groceries, Picked Hailey up at 3:15, Went to see the movie Gosnell




Slept in this morning.  Picked Melissa up and took her to therapy.  She only had it for 45 minutes of OT today, so I went to Jacks and then to the bank to cash a check.  Went back to the Rehab hospital and picked her up and then we went and picked the boys up from school.  They were pretty happy they only had a half day.  They all had their coupons with them for McDonald's and wanted hamburgers.  We went and they were so happy to use their coupons and get their burgers. We went back to their house and they ate their hamburgers and Melissa and I had left over chili from last night.  It was delicious.  I had another piece of yummy pumpkin cake too. I came home and put groceries away.  Picked Hailey up at 3:15 and took her home.  Came home and Bill and I went and saw the movie Gosnell.  Heartbreaking and an eye opener on  how awful abortion is.  Many have turned from their pro choice belief to pro life after watching this movie.  Pray it touches hearts to do that.  God's heart must be so sad about all the babies killed by abortions in our nation.  My heart is sad about it.

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