Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday, 7/12/21, Came home from the campground, Kimmy, Vikki and the kiddos came over

Jacob and Eli...Jacob was playing 3-13 with Vikki and I
Adam and Peyton 
Eli and Isaac
Peyton and Isaac at the Sand Sculptures at the Point close by
Me being funny by the raccoon....I was looking for my oriole feeder one of my raccoons took down and hid lol

We had our breakfast this morning, then started with the last minute packing and getting camper closed up.  All went well and it didn't take us long.  Bill had to dump the tanks, so I headed home in my car so I could be home when Kimmy and the boys got there.  Jacob and Adam got their last Covid shot today.  They did pretty well all day, but had sore arms.  Bill got home and we unloaded the refrigerator stuff from the camper and brought it in.  He pulled the cart with the tractor up to the house and helped carry it in.  Kimmy and the boys got here shortly after.  Vikki, Peyton and Isaac came a little while after them.  We girls sprayed and washed the camper mats off.  They insisted on doing most of the work though.  Kimmy and Vikki edged my new garden area for me, while I pulled and hoed weeds.  We preened it after that.  It is looking so nice.  Bill played 3-13 with Jacob and Adam.  The kids all swam except Jacob.  He said it was too cold.  They had fun and stayed in quite a while.  We ate egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches for lunch.  Whoever didn't want that, had turkey sandwiches.  We talked to Melissa lots.  Max, Jack and Evan are going to go to camp, and since Jacob was already there, he talked to her lots too and answered her questions regarding what to pack.  Kimmy had a dentist appointment, so the boys stayed here.  Jacob, Vikki and I played 3-13 (Jacob won).  Peyton, Eli and Isaac rollerbladed in the basement and hung out down there.  Kimmy got back and she and Vikki went to Vikki's to fix the damage Lenny did to the wall.  They showed me a picture and it sure is looking better.  A few more coats and some paint and it will be good as new.  I folded the camper matts and packed them back in the camper.  I also packed up more stuff in clothes baskets to haul in.  The kids played games and snacked on crackers and cheese.  The girls got back, and Kimmy had to leave right away.  Vikki drove me and the twins to the Point to see the sand sculptures I saw on Facebook.  They really did a nice job on them.  Vikki also showed me where a car skidded off the road and hit a bunch of pine trees and broke them off.  Later she showed me a picture of the car.  Yikes....awful.  Praying for whoever was in the vehicle.  


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