Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday, 7/11/21, our last full day camping


Me on the trail behind the club house
It was an obstacle course with all of these trees down

Peyton playing on the playground

Peyton with her friend MacKenzie

Got ready for church.  Took outside shower down. Put gloves on and tried to take the cover off for the honey wagon to empty. I couldn’t get it off, so Vikki put the gloves on and she got it.  Some pretty stinky liquid came out. Good thing she had gloves on and can move quickly.  We were glad when it stopped.  Our neighbor a couple of sites down was sitting outside.  All of this made us a couple minutes late for church.  The service was great and so was worship. Everyone was so nice too.  We came home and ate pizza and breadsticks after we got ice teas from McDonald’s.  Peyton wanted to go play with her friend. She was swimming, so we went to the pool to watch her swim.  They played golf after that.  Vikki and I lounged in our hammocks while they golfed and played at the playground, checking on them now and then.  Vikki and I went on a walk and went on a trail behind the clubhouse. We had to climb over some fallen trees.  We went and sat by the playground to see if Peyton would notice us. It didn’t take her long and she was waving and saying hi to us.  It was so cute how she played and was kind to all the kids.  Sure do love that sweetie.  Vikki packed up her stuff and I did some cleaning while I have water to clean with.  We packed up our hammocks.  Bill got here right before they left for home.  We put the extra wood in the truck.  Peyton was a big help.  I felt sad when they left. They are so fun to camp with.  Bill and I packed some stuff up, then decided to go for a walk.  We each carried a bag of trash to put in the dumpster.  Some nice guys on a golf cart stopped and told us we could put it on the back of their cart.  Then we just walked around to make sure we at least got 10,000 steps.  We talked and caught up on each other’s last couple of days adventures.  We sat around the campfire, then came in and played 2 games of 3-13. He won both, but only by a few points.  Kimmy called and her and the boys are coming over tomorrow! Yay!!!  Jacob and Adam are getting their second COVID shot.  Praying they feel good afterward.

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