Monday, August 23, 2021

Mon., 8/23/21, Kimmy and boys came up, went to Tawas and Oscoda Beach for the day!

Eli, Jacob, Peyton, Adam and Isaac in Tawas
Isaac, Peyton, Adam, Eli and Jacob
Isaac and Peyton
Eli and Jacob

Peyton, Eli, Isaac, Jacob, and Adam

Isaac, Eli, Peyton, Adam, and Jacob

Peyton and Adam

Eli in Tawas


Fun at Oscoda Beach
The kids and I eating lunch at the park 


Isaac buried in sand
Peyton buried…one big toe sticking out 

Eli and Peyton 

Eli, Adam, Kimmy and Vikki
Eli, Adam, Vikki and Kimmy

Jacob napping 

Adam, Peyton, Isaac and Eli

Peyton and Isaac running down the hill

Eli, Adam and Jacob 
Cute grandkids 

Eagles along the highway in Tawas
Jacob videoing eagles! He got an amazing video!
 This is the video that Jacob took today of the eagles


Peyton and Isaac playing 3-13 with me

Cute magnetic bracelet Peyton made for her water bottle
Kimmy and the boys came up.  We went to Tawas and Oscoda to spend the day.  We walked through some shops in Tawas, then walked out on the dock.  We went to Oscoda Beach after that and ate pizza and breadsticks at a picnic table.  We swam lots.  The water was great and we had so much fun throwing squishy bomb and catching it.  Kimmy, Vikki, Eli and Adam ended up over by the dock  Squishy got thrown and floated way out.  I was on the dock when that happened and I told them to just let squishy go.  Vikki was going to try to swim out for it, but Kimmy told her no. Then Kimmy took off to get it.  The current was pretty strong there and she had to swim out 30 feet to get it.  It wasn’t easy and gave her a scare.  I didn’t see her do it, but it sure gave me a scare hearing about it.  It wasn’t worth taking a chance like that.  I love my Kimmy and  don’t want anything happening to her.  I have been thanking God for protecting her.  It was evening by the time we left! What a fun day!  Vikki left when we got back to the camper.  She has to go to work tomorrow.  We were sure sad when she left as this is our last camping trip of the year.  She's a fun camping buddy!
I am keeping Peyton and Isaac with me.  Kimmy and the boys left at the same time as Vikki. They helped me pack up all the chairs because we leave tomorrow. Isaac went to the clubhouse for a while and Peyton played at the playground.  I took a bike ride and had them come back to play 3-13.  Isaac is winning, but we have to finish tomorrow.   We prayed and then I tucked them in.  Read my Bible after that and went to bed. I’m tired after all the exercise I got today! 

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