Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday, 8/16/21, went to watch Jacob, Adam and Eli show their sheep, bike ride, walked around the campground, campfire and s’mores

Jacob and his sheep at the fair
 Adam and his sheep

           Eli and his sheep                  



Eli and the judge
Adam, Jacob and Eli with their awards and ribbons 

Eli getting his first place ribbon

The boys sheep and ribbons! They all did great! I’m so proud of them!
Adam and me at the fair

Lucy, Isaac, Peyton and me on our evening walk
Isaac and Peyton 
Ladder ball game

Kitten Adam tried to catch last time he was here

Got up early, did my reading and praying.  Really praying for the Christians and innocent people in Afghanistan, and the people of Haiti.  Very sad!  Left the campground early and got to the fair at 8:30.  Found where Kimmy and family were!  The boys were walking their sheep and practicing.  Jacob’s sheep was not cooperating. I was praying for Jacob not to get frustrated and for him to do good, and also prayed for his sheep to do what it was supposed to.  Jacob went out with his group and he took first place!  We were all so happy!  I sure was thanking the Lord! I knew Jacob knew how to do his part, but his sheep had to cooperate!  Adam went next and did great too. He got 4th place because the judge marked him down for his muck boots being over his jeans.  Bummer because I’m sure he would have placed first otherwise.  Eli was third to go show his sheep.  He did excellent too and won first place.  He had his muck boots under his jeans, but she did tell him he shouldn’t wear muck boots.  I loved watching them.  Adam was sad at first but it didn’t last long.  We all felt bad for him. He has gotten first place the last two years and really knows how to show his sheep.  What was funny was that in the market showing, their sheep were out right away because they aren’t muscular like Suffolk sheep.  This time they gave the entries who didn’t place First through fourth, each a first place ribbon!  Ha ha God saw to it that Adam got a first place ribbon!  We laughed over that one.  The boys were the only ones whose sheep were born in Midland on their farm.  Eli took first, Adam took second and Jacob took third for that.  I left to pick up Bill from Higher Standard Auto and brought him back to the fair.  We walked around with Kimmy and family through merchant buildings and animal barns.  We got a really nice mug and nice first aid kit they were giving away.  We went home and I took a picture of my hibiscus.  Happy I got to see the first flower opened.  Beautiful! Ate my chicken fettuccine leftovers when I got back to the campground.  We rode our bikes to the store and registered, then relaxed in our hammocks, walked around the campground, played ladder ball, and made s’mores.  Peyton started the camp fire tonight and did a great job.  It was a very fun day!


Lela Russell said...

Thanks for the fair pictures! I think Adam and Eli will remember everything about boots.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I’m very sure they will lol