Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thurs., 8/26/21, Shopped for Bill's Birthday present, Bill did our friend Jim's funeral, went to A & W Drive In, swam, worked on Newsletter for Faith Riders


Evan being silly.  These were my fun pictures of the day!  I sure got a good laugh!
I told him he could walk next to me when I hang clothes on the line and I won't need a clothes pin bag.  Sure do love this grandson!

We did our morning reading inside in the air conditioning this morning while we had our morning coffee.  I shopped for Bill's Birthday present, and picked up some ice cream for our family get together for it.  When I got home, it was time to go to the funeral Bill was doing for a friend of ours, Jim Adams.  Bill had left earlier, so I just met him there.  They had gone to school together, and hadn't known each other had joined the Marines.  Bill was on R&R in Australia and heard some one call his name he thought.  He didn't see anyone, but kept walking and heard his name again.  Someone ran up to him and it was Jim.  What are the chances of that in a busy city like Sidney, Australia?  It was wonderful service and Jesus was glorified.  Many prayed a salvation prayer which was so moving.  We both drove to A & W Drive In and had coney dogs, fries and root beer.  We ordered from outdoor machines like back in the day.  Bill parked his truck next to me, and then came and sat in my car with me while we ate.  It sure was yummy.  We came home and I soaked his white shirt and treated it, and also my dress.  We both slopped coney sauce on us.  I went for a swim.  The water was so warm and nice and it was great exercise.  I came in and started working on the Faith Riders Newsletter.  I'm still waiting on one person's article, but I've got the rest done.  I talked to Melissa and she shared more answered prayer with me.  Love how God is faithful to answer.

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