Thursday, August 5, 2021

Thurs. 8/5/21, Went for a walk with Melissa, Hailey and Jack. Hailey's getting senior pictures taken today! Defrosted basement freezer


Basil looks so pretty when it's growing

Pretty butterfly weed plant
I went for a nice walk with Hailey, Jack,  & Melissa this morning


Jacob got his new bike yesterday!  
Made an ice coffee to have with my oatmeal this morning.  Sure tasted good.  Went to Melissa's before it got too hot, to go for a morning walk.  I texted Hailey when I got to Melissa's and she wanted to go with us.  Jack wanted to go too.  We had a nice walk and talk.  I came home and did my morning reading, devotions and praying.  Defrosted one of the basement freezers.  I have to do the other freezer tomorrow.  I only have enough coolers for one at a time.  Want to get that job done, because lots of things are starting to come in the garden now....beets, corn, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, and squash.  I got caught up on going through the mail from when we were camping today.  Took the outdoor pop up changing room/shower to Hailey so she can use it when she changes clothes for her senior pictures that are being taken today.  Suzie K. from church is taking them and she does a great job.  I stopped at Aldi's and got some groceries too.  Picked lots of stuff from the garden today.  Had Bill drop some off to Charlie and Sue.  He mowed the grass today.  I hauled stuff back out to the camper.  Yesterday I caught another mouse in the live trap.  Haven't caught anything today so far.  Had to water plants tonight because it's getting dry around here.  

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