Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thursday, 8/3/23, Went to class, visited Melissa, went for ice cream at Red Barn, took motorcycle ride, Bad storm at campground, went to service, ic cream after, called Jacob


We got up and got ready for class.  Kenzie went with us.  It was another great class.  We had our cookies and coffee break, then instead of going to the next class, we went to visit Melissa, Max and Bruce.  Melissa and Abby came with Vikki, Kenzie and I to go see Liz.  She works in the office here and has for a long time.  She was happy to see Kenzie.  We went back to Melissa’s camper.  Bill was still there.  A nice older guy who has been giving people golf cart rides all week took us back to Melissa’s camper and then to to our camper. Bill walked, but we girls had just got lots of exercise.

We went to the Red Barn for ice cream and Bill, Vikki and Kenzie hung a couple of Street Party Signs for when we have our State Rally.  Brad and Jen met us and had ice cream too.  Wes called and wanted us to come ride to Akron.  We took Vikki and the kids home and they went swimming while we three couples rode our motorcycles.  

When we got home we made potatoes on the grill and chicken strips on the grill.  I had Bill call Bruce to see if he and the boys wanted to eat with us. Right after that a bad storm moved in, so we just ate in our camper and Bruce and the boys ate in third.  The twins went to the Family Center and so did Bruce’s boys.  Bruce was at his camper and we were at ours when it started raining really hard and the wind was blowing over 50 mph.  The neighbors tents started blowing and their canopy flew towards our motorcycle. A little tree stopped it from hitting it.  Lots of branches down all over and some broken canopies.  Our clam top blew and a couple swimsuits blew off the line.  No damage to the camper, praise God.  

Bill, Kenzie and Vikki went around and took pictures.  We went to the tabernacle for the evening service.  Got a golf cart ride there too.  Free ice cream after service again. Yum.  I called Jacob and made sure he was ok.  He can’t come here tomorrow now, because Mr. Shepherd wants him to help him with something.  We had a nice talk and said i love you to each other.  Such a nice responsible young man.

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