Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday, 9/15/23, Worked on thank you cards, weeded around back of house, Walked Rail Trail with Hailey and Melissa, Bruce and Max came over, went to Vikki and Rody's for chili

Hailey, Melissa and Badger
Me pushing Abby her her new doggie stroller
Hailey doing a .5 picture of us.  She always does this!
Hailey pushing Abby
Abby loves looking ut the window of her stroller
Melissa, Badger, Me and Abby (looking through the window)
Ha Ha Abby thought she needed to see better so she stuck her head up
Hailey took a picture of this Praying Mantis...pretty cool looking!
So content in her stroller.  She is 14 years old so deserves this special care.
Abby kept her eye on Melissa and I on the way back to the car
Max doing some target shooting with Papa and Bruce watching
Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, Rody, me and Bill eating our delicious chili Vikki made and hotdogs Rody made.  Thank you guys!

Worked on thank you notes in the morning and did some weeding around the back of the house.  Melissa, Hailey and I went to the rail trail and walked a couple of miles.  We had fun and so did the dogs.  Melissa had problems with her foot a couple of times so we rested.  We probably walked too fast and to far because after she was home for a while it really started hurting her.  Prayers are appreciated for my sweet daughter.  It was so nice getting to see Hailey and us three hanging out together.  After we got home, we decided to go pick up Kenzie's invitations for Kimmy and I to Kenzie's shower from Melissa's.  Then Vikki called and wanted to know what we were doing.  I told her we were going to get Coney Dogs and she said she just made lots of chili and it was almost done so we should come eat with them.  
We did and it was so good.  Yum!  Rody made hotdogs on the grill too.  They always are so hospitable.  She made me the best coffee with cinnamon in it too.  Vikki and I sat out in the sunroom and drank our coffee.  It was so relaxing.  When we were done, we went in the family room with the guys and kids.  We watched a show Peyton really likes.  We left after 8 and headed home.  Got all my motorcycle stuff ready for our early morning cool ride.


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