Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wed., 9/27/23, Cool cloudy day in the 60's and breezy, Cleaned part of the house, picked Jack up and took him to Culver's, went to Jack's soccer game

Jack when I dropped him off at home after we went to Culver's for lunch
The birds love the water feeder Vikki made for me.  I love watching them on it.  Sometimes two at a time will sit on it.
Bill in his cool hat driving us to Jack's soccer game
Jack playing on the end and in front of where the team hangs out when not playing
Me, Jack and Bill...Great job playing Jack!
Jack and his Papa Dan

Bill went with Charlie for coffee this morning.  I called Outdoor Adventures because we wanted to go camping today through Monday, but they are filled up except for 2 spots because of Halloween.  We don't want to go when that's going on, so we decided to stay home.  

I had my coffee and oatmeal.  Pumpkin Spice creamer sure tastes good this time of year.  I cleaned the living room and dining room. I talked to Melissa for a while too.  She let me know Jack and his team from school were volunteering at the Children's Museum to clean and wash windows.  She was getting ready to take Max to school and wondered if Jack could text me when he got back to school and I could pick him up.  Of course I said yes.  
I put on good worship music and finished cleaning.  Melissa called later and said Jack was at the school.  I took the truck to go get him.  He was outside waiting, but wasn't used to me coming in the truck.  I waved at him and he came right away with a big smile on his face.
I asked him if he was hungry and would like to go to Culver's and he said yes.  We ate in the parking lot.  I finished first and he finished eating while I drove him home.  We had a nice visit.  He sure is a nice kid.  I'm glad he's my grandson.  I dropped him off and he was very happy to see the light sabre he ordered had been delivered.  I told him to be sure and send me a picture of it.  

I made sirloin burgers and sliced baked potatoes on the grill for dinner.  We ate, then had to get ready to leave right away for Jack's soccer game.  We parked right next to Bruce, Melissa and Dan.  We were very happy to see them.  We sat in our chairs and Melissa and I stayed nice and warm in our layers.  Melissa brought a blanket...I forgot mine, but wore my Copper Harbor super warm sweatshirt and also had a warm coat I used as a blanket.  They won their game 7 to 1.  The ref couldn't see well anymore because it was getting dark, so they called it with 5 minutes still to go on the clock.  


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