Monday, September 25, 2023

Monday, 9/25/23, Bill went to coffee with Charlie, I slept in, 15 turkeys roamed in the yard, watered grass seed, fed birds, Jared stopped over, Bill had Elder's meeting

Had 14 turkeys come spend lots of time today

They were looking for leftovers in the garden

Bill got up early to go meet Charlie for coffee.  I slept in.  Made my oatmeal with raisins, nuts, bananas and blueberries and drank my coffee with Pumpkin Spice Creamer.  I brought a couple of coolers up from the basement and took everything out of the refrigerator and freezer and cleaned it good.  Then I put everything back and put the coolers back downstairs.  That is a job I'm glad to have done.  Tomorrow I am hoping to get the Kernel Burner cleaned.  I started watering the new grass right away in the morning and moved it around.  It is quite a big area they seeded.  When Bill got home he mowed the grass.  We were reading our Bibles, and I went out when the timer went off and moved the sprinkler.  Jared had pulled in the garage with my car and said hi and startled me a little.  I had just texted Kimmy that they should keep my car at least until Friday.  I texted Adam to tell him to have her look at my text.  Jared said I should have texted him.  I don't like to bug him because I don't know when he is working or at meetings.  We had a nice visit and Bill and I told him to keep the car.  There is rain in the forecast and we don't want him having to walk a mile each way in rain.  He said no, but then I told him I had texted Kimmy.  He called her and she was saying no at first, but when I talked to her and told her rain was in the forecast, she agreed to keep the car.  We don't need it and it sure helps them to have 2 vehicles.  Bill had to leave to go to an Elder's meeting at church.  Jared hung around and was visiting.  
I told him to take fruit slices home with him for all of them to have.  Jared ate a few here while he was waiting, because he still thought Kimmy was coming.  He thought I was joking about her saying yes.  He called her and she verified it.  Then he noticed I changed the John 61:3 back to John 3:16.  I never noticed it, but Kimmy told me last time she was here.  He called her to find out why she told on him.  He wanted to see how long it would take me to notice I guess.  It might have been a very long time.  He left for home.  It was raining out so I didn't have to move the sprinkler any more.  Yay!  Thank you God for rain. I read my Bible more than when Bill got home he read his Bible more.  I talked with Vikki lots today and talked with Kenzie.   


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