Sunday, April 22, 2018

4/21/18..Worked on the camper and got lots of stuff loaded. Went to Eli's game



Eli...looks cute on the soccer field

He was on the move, trying to help his team win

He was the goalie in the second half of the game....looked cute in his orange shirt

It was a sunny, beautiful day out, so I worked on putting stuff in the camper.  I got lots done.  I talked to Kimmy and she said the boys had soccer games.  Adam's was already over (bummer) and Eli was playing at 4.  I was happy at least I could make it to Eli's.  Bill was collecting money at the door of Walmart for the Marine Corp League.  I finished working in the camper and then got ready, loaded up my chair, thermos of water and blanket, then headed to Eli's game. I was happy to see Jacob and Adam and get my hugs.  I gave them some money to go get some snacks. They are so sweet and such polite boys.   It was so nice getting to watch Eli play soccer, and he played so good.  He sure does move!  His team won so he was very happy.  So glad I talked to Kimmy so I found out about it and could go.  When I got home, Bill and I went to Applebees to meet Ralph and Julie who go to church with us.  We had a great dinner and visit.  Came home and watched a movie.

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