Monday, April 23, 2018

4/23/18...Walked at SportsZone, Read my Bible in the Camper and played my worship music out there, Picked up Grand Club Turkey sandwiches at Arby's for Vikki, Melissa and I. Hung out in our hammocks until we had to pick kids up at school, Very concerned about Melissa, Kimmy and the boys stopped over

Evan and Max looking very happy with their new lego sets

Jack on his scooter.  Hailey and Bruce in the background


Papa, Jacob, Eli and Adam....Jacob and Adam helped Papa split these huge logs with the wood splitter.  They sure worked hard!

Eli relaxing in the camper

            So nice seeing Jacob and Adam working so good together getting these big logs split.

Went to the SportsZone and walked two miles.  I am working my way back up to three.  Did get 16,000 steps in today though.  I made oatmeal and after breakfast, went out to the camper to read my Bible and worship.  Put bags in the camper that have stuff in them to put in the bathroom.  At noon, I went to pick up three Grand Turkey Club Sandwiches from Arby's for Melissa, Vikki and I.  Melissa and I ate ours at her house and then went to meet Vikki when she got out of work and went by the rail trail and relaxed in our hammocks.  Gave Vikki her sandwich there.  Melissa gave us a scare when we walked to get to the trees.  There were tracks where someone got stuck and lots of sticks.  She fell down, but didn't get hurt praise God.  We helped her walk and get in the hammock.  Being sick so long and having pneumonia triggered her hypo kalemia (sp).  She wasn't picking up her feet like usual and has had weakness in her hands and legs and clones.  She put her hand on my shoulder to get up her porch step and it brought back so many memories of when she used to do that all the time.  
She is changing doctors and is between both.  Won't go to her old dr. again and can't see the new one until May 8.  Praise God that a friend whose daughter goes to Hailey's school is a wonderful doctor.  Bruce's step mom, Brenda told Bruce he needed to do something when she saw Melissa the way she was.  She told him he needed to talk to their dr. friend when she brought Hailey home.  She had Hailey over to go to a movie and when she brought her home, Bruce told her Melissa's situation and explained about the hypo Kalemia and how Melissa needed to have a prescription for Diamox and Potassium.  She researched everything and called in a script.  God is always working things out for us in amazing ways. I picked up Jack, Evan and Hailey from school and took them home.  Melissa called and said her prescription was in so I was going to pick it up so she could get it right away.  Bruce had taken Max to his Orthodontist appt. and was finished already so was picking it up.  
Went to Salvation Army and then home.  Kimmy was in town because Eli had a dr. appt and the boys had dentist appointments.  I was very happy when they stopped in!  She had called earlier to see if Jacob and Adam could stay with me and I told her I would love it.  Then the dentist called because the boys had appointments.  Everything worked out for them to get there.   When they got here, Papa asked the boys if they wanted to help him.  They did and worked hard splitting big logs.  They are pretty amazing Russell boys!  Eli came in the camper and relaxed up on the loft bed while Kimmy and I visited.  Vikki and Misty stopped over for a while and visited with us too.  Bill had an Elder's meeting.  While he was gone, I cleaned the house since I am going to Melissa's tomorrow so have to get ready for small group ahead of time.  

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