Tuesday, April 24, 2018

4/24/18...Went to breakfast, went to Melissa's, Went to Aldi's, Got stuff ready for small group, great small group

Evan looking very cute

Max eating his cookie

Abby...got my doggie time in today

Hailey holding her cute dog

Jack...he is the one always outside after he gets home. Loves playing basketball.

We went to breakfast at Sullivans.  There were 14 of us there today.  The restaurant was packed so they set some people at a table in the back room where we are.  After breakfast, I went to Melissa's to be there to help if she needed any with Nora.  She didn't need my help, but I could tell she was pretty tired out. Nora is such a good little girl and Melissa loves her so much.  I left when Nora took her nap and came home to get some stuff ready for small group.  At two thirty I left to get the kids.  I stopped at Vikki's on the way to drop of a couple things to her.  Happy to see the kids, Lenny and Lucy.  Picked the kids up and Evan came out carrying his walker.  The principal had Vikki go home this morning and get it because she didn't want Evan hopping on one foot all day.  I was happy to see him walking on it when school was out.  Melissa checked it when he got home and it was still pretty swollen.  The medicine must have helped him.  Went home and made burgers, hash browns and string beans for dinner.  Small group was great.  Lots of good discussion and very caring people.

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