Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thurs., 6/13/19...Did some cleaning, made cheesy potatoes for Faith Rider's potluck

I slept in until 8.  Bill got up early to go meet Rich.  Did my daily Bible reading and praying.  I got some cleaning done and made cheesy potatoes for tonight's potluck.  It rained all day long until about 9 p.m. when the sun came out for a short time.  We went to our Faith Rider's potluck and chapter meeting.  We had a new couple, Rich and Ruth, come who were real nice.  They sat by us, and we explained a lot about CMA to them.  They took the book and dvd to read and become members.  They ride a Honda Trike too and heard of us by going into Rider's PowerSports and seeing our brochure. The food was delicious and we had lots of great fellowship.  Bill did an amazing job once again leading the meeting.  We helped clean up afterward, and then Bill and I played Skipbo and 3-13 with Wes and Gayla.  Wes won SkipBo and Gayla won 3-13.  Fun night!

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