Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tues., 6/4/19...Went to Tawas, Bill made it back, Big tree fell in the woods by us

Gorgeous day in Tawas

Lots of great sales

The water was up farther than usual because of all the rain we've had

This big tree fell over in the woods behind us.  It crushed the fence of the nature trail.  Sure glad no grandkids were here riding bikes on that trail

So happy to have Bill back at the camper. He almost has his new phone updated with his stuff.

Beautiful day out! 78 degrees.  Chuck and Sue were supposed to come up for the day.  Their garage door broke so they had to wait for the guy to come to repair it.  Bill was late coming because he was working on his phone, so I went to Tawas and went through the shops there.  I almost got hit head on by a speeding car that was passing a utility truck.  I went off the road or we would have hit.  Then he cut it close with the truck and the truck driver honked loud and long at him.  I was praying and asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in submitting all to the Lord right before because I was listening to Christian radio and the speaker was talking about that.  Sure did thank the Lord after that! Fun going in the shops!  Bought a couple tops that were on sale.  Also bought a knife sharpener that’s tiny but works great.  Walked out on the pier but it was pretty windy out there.  Big waves were washing up on the pier.  Came back to the camper per and Bill was here. Made hobo dinners and had s’mores.  Took the clam down so it wouldn’t get wet in the rain tonight and tomorrow.  We go home the next day. A big tree fell in the woods behind our camper while we were taking the Clam down. It crashed on the fence of the nature trail.  Was it ever loud. I went to tell someone and noticed the store looked open. I walked in but no one was in it. Went to the back door and tried to go out it but it was locked. Realized then that the store was closed.  Saw a worker on a golf cart and told him about the crunched fence and then about the store not being locked.  He said the person forgot to lock it and no one here has a key, but they are trying to get one. We played 3-13.  Bill one by 5 points.

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