Friday, June 14, 2019

Fri., 6/14/19...Took Melissa to Therapy and brought Jack and Evan home with me. Went to McDonalds with Vikki and kids, Did yard work.

Hailey and Abby



Evan and Jack bowling on the wii

We went to lunch with Vikki, Peyton and Isaac at McDonalds
Isaac and Peyton...looks like he lost his shoe

Evan and Jack playing ball on the trampoline

My beautiful peonies

Jack and Evan eating popcorn with M & M's in it while watching the K Love Fan Awards
 After reading my Bible, I got ready and went to take Melissa to therapy..  Got there early so got to see the kids for a while.  Jack and Evan came with us and spent the day with Papa and I. The first thing Evan did was to start picking up sticks in our yard.  I didn't say anything to him.  Then he told me he was really good at unloading the dishwasher if I need him to do it.  I let him unload it and put away the silverware.  Jack helped pick up sticks after Evan started.   They played basketball outside for a while, and jumped on the trampoline and played with a couple of balls on it.  We went to lunch with Vikki, Peyton and Isaac.  The McDonalds on State St. was the busiest I have ever seen it.  We decided not to go in but to go to the one on Bay Rd. instead.  The kids played afterward.  We went to the new Dollar General by Vikki's too.  The kids were really good walking through there.  We came home and spent more time outside.  I trimmed the tree by the back deck.  I sat on the swing and read the second book Jacob lent me, while the boys played some more on the trampoline.  We ate chicken, potatoes cut up and baked in the oven, and green beans for dinner.  Both boys ate two helpings. I was happy they ate so good.  Evan asked me if he could rinse all the dishes off and put them in the dishwasher.  He did a great job!  He sure is a willing and good worker.  We watched the K-Love Fan Awards for a while and had popcorn with M & M's hidden in it.  They really liked that.  After they lost interest in the K-Love Fan Awards, we started watching a movie, but turned it off when they used bad language in it.  Bummer!  They are great kiddos and didn't complain at all.  They sure were good and lots of fun today.  I tucked them in and prayed over them.  Then they wanted to say their prayers.  So precious.  I love how they pray from their hearts and just talk to God.  I am a blessed Nana!

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