Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday, 6/23/19, Came home for church, went to Tina Seager's Birthday Party, saw Cole working there

Isaac and Peyton eating breakfast in the pavilion

Isaac fishing

Isaac and Peyton in the pool



Isaac and Peyton on a bike ride

We went to church. Amazing service and worship.  Came home and changed, then headed to Tina Seager’s Birthday Party ar Immerman Park.  We pulled in and stopped at the check in. A girl was outside and she helped us.  There was a guy with sunglasses in the building on my side waving at me with a big smile. I told Bill I thought it was Cole.  We got under the pavilion and Tina and Chris got there. She sure was  surprised. We sat with Pat and her husband.  Good food and fun!  I went back up north.  Bill stayed home because has an elders meeting tomorrow night.  He’s taking Jack and Evan to asthma camp in the morning.  I was going to come home and take them, but he offered to do it for me. Walked around the campground, swam, watched Isaac fish, and sat outside relaxing.  Vikki and I played 3-13 and dice.  She won cards and I won dice.

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