Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wed., 6/5/19...Walked, played putt putt, got ice cream

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Bill really trying to beat me at putt putt

It was raining so we slept in till 8:30.  Stayed up really late last night so it felt good.  We ate eggs, sausage and ham for breakfast and then went for a walk around the campground.  We did our morning reading and praying, and then sat outside for a while. It was hot when the sun was out and cool when it wasn’t.  We warmed up hobo dinners for lunch and then walked to the pavilion for ice cream. On our way back, we golfed two games. I won the first by 3 points and Bill won the second game by 11 points.  He got two hole in ones.  Shouldn’t be allowed to do that.  He went to Doug’s for a board meeting.  I walked again, and then decorated lunch bags for kids at a school. When Bill got back we played 3-13.  Bill wine both games.

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