Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thursday, 6/20/19....Another fun day with Jack and Evan at the campground

Jack and Evan on a walk after the rain

Jack and Evan swimming

Evan golfing
Jack golfing
Jack and Evan by the campfire
Evan and Jack trying to beat me at dice
It rained in the morning hard, so we stayed in the camper and watched the movie, Woodcarver.  The boys really liked it and I talked to them about WWJD which was in the movie.  They sure have good hearts for the Lord.  We went for a walk when the rain stopped.  Lots of water everywhere, but out campsite was dry.  There were big puddles in the road by us though.  The boys went swimming, but I just sat under the table with the umbrella and stayed dry.  It was just lightly raining.   They sat in the hot tub for a while and then we left. We went golfing after that, and I only beat Jack by 4 points this time.  We ate and then sat by the campfire.  We made s'mores and ate them.  After that we played dice and had so much fun.

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