Monday, June 17, 2019

Mon., 6/17/19..Packed for our camping trip. Picked Evan and Max up. Exchanged chair for different style and color,

Bill teaching Max how to mow the grass with the tractor.  Max absolutely loved it and did amazing.  He even was going in reverse when he needed to.  Loved seeing how happy he was.

Bill pulled two big evergreen shrubs out right past the eaves trough.  It looks so much better.  I planted stuff where they were, but it's too small to see in the picture right now.
I packed in the morning and filled the oriole and hummingbird feeders.  Went to Melissa's at 10:30 and picked up Max and Evan.  We met Aunt Vikki at Dick's to return the chair they got him and get one in a bag like the other one we have.  They didn't have blue, so we got gray which I like better because it matches the camper and the black chairs we have.  Bill brought the chair he had bought and exchanged it for a gray one too so we would have matching chairs.  They are just so comfy.
Bill took the boys with him to exchange the chair and I left to pick up a hot and ready pizza.  I came home and Max was learning how to drive the lawn tractor.  He was doing great.  He came in to eat with us and then went back out and mowed the grass.  So nice to have grandsons who love to help us.
Evan was cute and was showing me how he runs and jumps off the deck and then goes into a summersault.  I videoed him but can't put videos on here.  Melissa had an appointment at Covenant.  Bruce got the boys after he dropped her off.  I did more packing and got some groceries for our trip.

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