Saturday, June 15, 2019

Saturday, 6/15/19..Jack and Evan woke up early. Went to Faith Rider's Memorial Service, Helped with Evan's Birthday Party with his 3 cousins and some friends from school

Faith Riders/Evan by blue motorcycle, Jack by Papa Bill at our Memorial Run

Jack, Evan and Papa by our motorcycle

Bill giving the memorial message in honor and memory of Krissy and John 

Faith Riders at Riders.  Evan and Jack came with us.

Jack, me, Daryl and Evan eating donuts

Me, Jack and Evan heading to Evan's house for his Birthday Party
The kids all had to decorate bags to put all of their goodies and treasures. Evan was very happy and had a big smile.  Peyton, Isaac and Eli on the far side of the table having fun decorating.
All the kids at Evan's 8th birthday party

Hailey, Libby, Peyton, Isaac, and a friend of Evan's.

Evan with Eli, and some friends from school

Evan opening gifts

Eli got the closest

Pirate Evan

Evan trying to break the treasure chest pinata 

Eli's turn

Isaac's turn

Hailey wanted to take a turn too

Peyton taking aim

Kids rushing to get the candy

The kids listening to the first clue

Going to find the next clue in the microwave

Eli reading the clue

After they got all the clues, they had to tape the map pieces they found together


Kids after they went through the cave and went downstairs and found the treasure chest full of treasures for them to share and take home. They had so much fun!

Evan walking the plank. They had to wear eye patches. Also had to try not to fall in the water with the sharks. Yikes!

Eli's turn.  The two teams were racing

Peyton's turn

Isaac's turn
Group picture after they had to sit on balloons and break them to find if there was a paper inside

Evan dropping the anchor in the jar....Bruce under the table picking up the clothes pins (anchors)

Isaac's turn

They had to walk in a circle and when the music stopped a number was drawn to see who won the prize.  The kids had so much fun.  They did this game for a long time and won lots of prizes.
Jack and Evan woke up early.  Papa got them their cereal and had them all set for breakfast when I walked in the kitchen. Evan prayed and then they ate.  The played Mario while I got ready.  Evan rode on the motorcycle with Papa and loved it. Jack came to pick up coffee and donuts from Tim Hortons with me.  They said the large 12 cup coffee containers would take 25 minutes, so Jack and I sat and had a donut and watched some amazing ice skaters race and do jumps on tv.  After the coffee was done, we went to Riders Sports Center for our Memorial Run to honor two friends who passed away in our group.  Bryan, the owner of Riders, let us buy anything we wanted for half off because he and his wife are closing the business.  Sad it’s closing but happy for them.  Every year for as long as we’ve been Faith Riders they have matched the gift card we give away each meeting and made it $20 instead of just our $10 for their shop.  They have Blessed us with lots of deals too.  The boys and I came home and got ready to go to Evan’s Birthday Party.  Bill and the rest of the group rode the motorcycles to Clio to Joe’s Garage Restaurant.  Evan and I went to his house for his party. Vikki picked Jack and Max up and took them to her house when she dropped the twins off.  Eli came too. The rest of the kids were friends from school.
The party was fun with fun games and a treasure hunt.  Treasure Chest piniata too. Melissa sure knows how to plan a fun party.  The kids had so much fun and Melissa was very organized.  She made things easy for Bruce, Hailey and I so we could be great helpers.  After the party, I picked up some perennials from Boehlers.  Kimmy and Jared went there during the party.  They came to my house and dig up some of my plant starts.  It is so fun to share and we sure save money.  Cooked burger so I can make chili for tomorrow when everyone comes for Father’s Day. Bill and I both read the books Jacob gave us to read.  

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