Friday, June 26, 2020

Day 102, Sat., 6/26/2020, Fri.,6/26/2020, 3rd day camping, First time Swimming in our new pool, Kimmy and family went to Indiana

Peyton looking so cute

Peyton and Isaac
Jacob, Bill and Adam going for a swim

The deck is looking so nice

My sweetie Bill
Adam and Jacob working

Nana and Isaac
Lucy pretty comfortable
Jacob and Adam worked on pool deck with Papa.  At around noon Kimmy, Jared and Eli picked Adam and Jacob up and headed to Indiana to visit Jared’s parents.   I ate oatmeal and then went outside the camper and read my Bible.  Isaac got up right after I did.  I went for a walk and then Vikki and Peyton were up when I got back.  We all went for a walk around the loop. It was a beautifully sunny day.  We ate our lunch, talked to Kimmy  while we packed to go to Marie and Roy’s.  We spread mulch down . Roy helped shovel it off the truck and dump the wheelbarrow.  Marie helped spread it around and supervised. She gave Vikki a couple of nice rose plants and blumeria plants.  We went and helped Bill with the deck afterwards.  It is looking beautiful.  Peyton and Isaac went for their first swim in our pool.  I went for my first swim too.  I was hot and it felt so good.  Rody came to see the kids.  Isaac made Raman noodles all by himself at our house.  Peyton and Papa ate noodle soup.  It looked like a bad storm coming.  Vikki and the kids and I headed back up north.  We stopped at Cracker Barrell for a to go order.  They were super safe there and really doing good to keep people safe.  Vikki and I ate our yummy dinner when we got to the camper, after heating it up.  We missed the storm that was supposed to come. It sprinkled a little, then we went for another walk.  I talked to Melissa a couple of times.  We played dice with the kids before bed. Another great day!

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