Friday, June 19, 2020

Day 95, 6/19/2020, Got hitch put on my car, Picked up pool, Went to Vikki's, Went to Sam's Club

Isaac by tripod Bill found for Rody
Peyton came out all bundled up.  It was already super warm outside ha ha
Peyton came out like this next.  She's my silly girl
Isaac flying his drone.  He sure is good at flying it!  He's my techy boy!
We have our pool in the trailer ready for the people to set up for us.
Got the little stand with the plant on it and the wire basket at an Estate Sale.  Everyone had face masks on and were social distancing.  Not very many there when we were there.

We took my car in to get a hitch put on so I can use my bike rack.  I have missed going to the bike trails.  We went to Vikki's after we dropped my car off.  She has everything in her front yard and back yard so cute.  We visited outside for a while and then we went to Sam's Club to get hotdogs and buns for tomorrow's Father's Day cookout.  Got some new Sketcher Sandals and a nice summer dress that is so comfy.  Bill got a nice pair of comfy sandals too.  We both got a pair of shorts too.  Got a bird feeder today too!  We got a call that our pool was in.  They didn't know when they could deliver it, so Bill told them we would pick it up.  One problem, our trailer was filled with branches from when our Royce Grandsons were here and cleaned up our yard.  They had emptied the trailer, but Bill put it all back on the trailer.  Bill didn't think the brush dump was open until Saturday, but I told him I went by it on Wed. and it was open.  We drove over there, and sure enough it was open.  I think they are leaving it open because so many people have so much to clean up from their yards after two storms.  We went home and hooked up the trailer and took it and emptied it.  Then we headed to the pool place.  The guy was outside and had us just pull up in the back and he loaded it.
We headed home and Bill unhooked the trailer from the truck and hooked it up to his tractor.  He pulled it and parked it by the pool spot, so if the guys made it to set it up today, it would be right there.  They didn't get done with their job in the Thumb, so maybe will come tomorrow now.  We organized the little shed with the pool stuff we need to store.  Came home and filled in some low spots in our garden with dirt.  Talked to all three girls today and texted with Adam.  Watched Elevation sing the song Rattle on You Tube on TV.  It is such a great song!

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