Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Day 93, 6/17/29, Vikki, Peyton, Isaac and I went to help Marie and Roy with yard work, Vikki brought chairs I bought from Misty and power washed them.

It was so good to see Marie up and walking around quite a bit today.  She has been pretty much laid up in bed for the last two years with spinal stenosis.  I am praising and thanking God
Roy on his lawn tractor.  It cuts the lawn like carpet
Vikki and Marie working in the front yard.  I should have taken pictures of Peyton and Isaac working.  They worked hard and sure were great helpers
Isaac and Peyton

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Hailey and her new guitar
I am so happy for Hailey.  It will be nice to have someone in the family that plays guitar too

I did this little section and then Vikki took over and finished the chair
Vikki power washing the lounge chairs

How the chairs looked before and after
Got the turquoise chair cushions that were new too
My Dahlias are beautiful this year
Ate breakfast and then went outside to read my Bible.  I walked around the yard afterward and then came in to make face masks.  I got two started and got a call from Marie.  Roy broke a blood vessel in his eye, and she didn't want him overdoing, so needed help with yard work.  I had told her to call me if they needed help because they are in their 80's and have had some health issues.  Vikki had told me she would help too.  I called Vikki and she happily said she would go help them with me.  
We decided to eat our lunch first, pack our water bottles, snacks, garden gloves, stools, etc. and then leave.  I called her when I was ready.  We got into Bay City and I got held up by the drawbridge.  Vikki called me and asked if there was a white truck behind me.  I told her yes, and she said she was right behind that truck.  We sure timed that right (with God's help).  She was able to just follow me to their house since she wasn't sure where it was.  We had fun working together and the kids did a great job helping pull weeds.  Roy and Marie helped pull weeds for a while too.  Marie had her Amigo out there and sat on it, but got up quite a bit and walked around and put Preen on after we were done weeding.  It's the most I've seen her move in two years which made me so happy.  Vikki was able to dig lots of her Lilies of The Valley up that she wanted out.  She worked very hard.  After we weeded and dumped the weeds, we used the blower to blow the rocks off.  Vikki did the whole front.  Roy and I did the back.  We had lots of fun visiting with Marie!  She was sure a great supervisor.  They are such a sweet couple and so loving and fun.  I came home and made dinner, then Bill went to the Marine Corp. Meeting at the park by us under the pavilion.  They all wore face masks and social distanced.  Vikki got here right when Bill was going to leave.  She pulled in back. Bill got out of his truck and walked back to tell her hi quick.  She brought the chairs and cushions I bought from Misty.  Vikki power washed one and it was amazing the difference.  The lounger looks like new now.  She is coming back tomorrow to do the other one and let Isaac try doing it too.  I talked to Melissa for a while today and had a nice talk.  Hailey got her guitar today.  She has wanted one for so long and saved up for it.  I am so happy for her.  Very happy she heard me say I wanted a picture of her and she reminded her mom that Nana wanted a picture.  I am blessed with an amazing, loving family.

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