Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Day 85, 6/9/2020, Bill went on a motorcycle ride with Ralph Louks, i did some filing, vacuumed the deck off, trimmed some dead branches off my bush

Isn't Kim Reminder's kitty so cute!
Adam is 1/4" taller than Jacob now!  He sent me this picture this morning...Both tall, handsome boys....and such wonderful boys, they can't be beat as grandpa always said.
This camper was pulled out of Sanford Lake today.  Bill  took this picture.  The person who lived there said this was the only remote crane in the world

We listened to the morning devotion online.  Ate oatmeal and then read our Bibles.  Bill met Ralph at the SportsZone and they rode up by Edenville to Ralph's property to check things out.  Afterward they rode to Sanford and Wixom Lake to check things out since Ralph and the friend that was with him hadn't seen it.  I vacuumed off the deck and then picked up all the pieces of Deck over that flew  into the bark up.  I trimmed dead branches off from the bush by the shed, and trimmed down my hyacinths.  Very hot day, 93 degrees.  When Bill got home, we put things where they won't blow away if we get the severe storms they say we could.  We sure are praying they don't come.  Praying for all of the poor people displaced by the flooding.  They are opening up some shelters for people who have had flooding and whose houses may not be safe.  I talked to Vikki today and also talked to Melissa.  Texted with Adam.  Praying for poor Abby. She is not feeling well and is acting nervous if anyone comes near or talks to her.  Not eating good either.  I thought of my mom and dad's friend Ruby who is 95 this morning and prayed for her.  I decided to send her an email to let her know I was thinking of her, not knowing if I would hear back from her or not.  I got the nicest email from her.  She is such a sweet person and was such a great friend to my parents.  She is healthy, driving and still very active.  

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