Friday, June 12, 2020

Day 88, 6/12/2020...Garden is dry today, Picked up some sticks that blew down last night, Made four more face masks

 Peyton and Isaac
Vikki and Peyton working on my wind chime
Book Rody's Mom wrote
Covid-19 Cases
Cooler day!  In the 60's.  At least the wind isn't as wild.  Checked the Milkweed for Vikki today.  Didn't find any caterpillars.  I picked up some sticks that blew down with last night's wind and rain.
Made four more face masks.  Bill washed the motorcycle and then mowed the lawn.  Did some walking outside for my exercise.  Vikki and Peyton came over to check out Milkweed plants again.  Didn't find any.  Vikki took my wind chime home and re did it.  It was in pretty bad shape.  She put pretty beads on it and fixed it up so nice.  Peyton sanded the wood pieces and shined up the metal.  She did a great job helping!  Thank you Vikki and Peyton.  They came back and Vikki hung it up for me too.  Rody's mom called me to thank me for the face masks for her and Ann.  She said they loved them and Ann had hers on.  She was so sweet.  We thanked her for giving us each a book she wrote and her sister published for her.  We are each reading it tonight.  So sweet of her to bless us with one.  Our daughters sure have wonderful mother in laws!  We are blessed to have them be part of our family now too.  I worked at digging out weeds in the woods by the garage.  It was easier since we had all that rain.  Still a big job.

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