Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day 89, 6/13/2020..Went on our Memorial Ride to Grindstone City

Had our Memorial Service and Ride for those who have passed away from our Faith Riders  Chapter

Me on the right, Gayla, Greg, and Don

Riding by the bay in Port Austin  
Vikki said her Lavender plant was looking dead.  I said mine was too and then went in and saw it was looking amazing and growing like crazy.  Then she sent me the picture below of hers.  I sure got a good laugh.  Guess mine never did look dead compared to hers

Corona Virus Cases
We left at 8:45 and headed to Meijer to do our Memorial Service.  Elaine did it and prayed such a great prayer that covered the memorial and the riding season.   We went to M-15 and M-81 and met up with Trinity Riders and some of the Flint chapter too.  We went in three separate groups because there were so many of us.  We stopped at BayShore, because they said we could use their bathrooms in the bathhouse.  They had them all cleaned and ready.  We went to Port Austin and ate our packed lunches.  We went up to the pavilion and so did one other couple.  The others just ate their lunches by the motorcycles.  I packed egg salad sandwiches, grapes, chips and granola bars.  We went to Grindstone City after that.  Headed home and only stopped once for gas and if any had to use the restroom they were available. Came home and Vikki came over and brought a little table she picked up for me.  She got a swing from Aldi and had to take it back because it wasn't made right. She went to the other Aldi and got another one. Poor girl spent lots of time putting it together.  The holes didn't line up right.  She brought it over and Bill got it together by using some tools to make things line up.
We sat on the deck by the fire pit visitting while he worked on it.  We checked all the milkweed here again. Tired from all that fresh air today. and going to bed early.  Jacob messaged me at 2:18 and said he already had 18, 367 steps.  I only had 3,000.  Guess who won again!  Love that my grandsons text me.  They are so sweet.

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