Sunday, June 7, 2020

Day 83, 6/7/2020, Watched church online, Bill took old pool deck apart, I hoed the garden,

The cushions Vikki picked up for me are so comfy and look so nice 
Nice to have the fence down and the garden hoed

Sat by the fire tonight
Cool big tent Evan made
I picked some of my peonies and an Iris...They smell so good.  I got that beautiful card from my best friend, Vikki.  I always want to remember it.  She is such a great and caring friend.

Even Melissa fits in it comfort with Evan
Melissa, Jack and Evan in the tent.  Jack and Evan are sleeping in it tonight
Isaac was helping Vikki make a wind chime

Read our Bibles and Prayed before church.  I sat outside in the sun and read mine.  It was a beautiful morning, but cool out.  We watched our church service.  Great worship and a great message today.  We watched it in the living room on our big tv.  I made bacon, ham, eggs, hash browns, and toast (with my homemade strawberry jam) for brunch.  I went to Vikki's to see if I could find her lettuce and spinach in her garden.  Sometime they are hard to find when there's weeds around them.  I just found my carrots today.  I did find some spinach and lettuce plants coming up in her garden.  It was nice seeing Vikki, Rody, Peyton and Isaac.  Isaac showed me how he does flips on the trampoline.  He sure can do them good now.  Peyton can too, but didn't want to show me today.  Vikki has her back yard looking so nice now with all of her bird feeders, bird bath, wind chimes, furniture, plant stands and beautiful light.  I visited with her for a while, then came home.  Bill had the fence around the garden all down, and had the garden tilled.  He was working on taking the old pool deck apart, so I went to start hoeing.  He came out and asked me if I wanted to ride to Standish with him.  He sold our deck rails to our big deck and also the fencing he took off from around the garden.  $150 for deck and delivery and $15 for fencing.  I started rolling the fencing up and Melissa called.  She said Evan was making a super huge tent.  I told her to send me pictures.  I talked to her for a while and then Bill was getting impatient because he wanted to get going, so I hung up and we left.  It was kind of in a run down neighborhood right by the water.  We finally found the house and they had us back in.  There were three guys there to unload it all.  I think Bill can sell anything.  He sells things I wouldn't even think of selling.  There were a couple of house right on the water and the water was right up to both of the houses.  It would be pretty scary to live there with those waves washing the water up.  We went to town and got ice cream.  Came home and I finished the garden and Bill got lots more of the deck and steps apart.  He sure has been working hard.  He's doing much better with his eating too.  He's getting slim and trim.  We sat by the fire pit on the deck for a while and then came in and watched Mask of Zorro and he had popcorn and I had strawberry shortcake.

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