Friday, February 5, 2021

Friday, 2/5/21, All the schools around here were cancelled because of icy roads, Vikki helped paint, Kimmy and family came and helped paint

 Jacob ad Papa working on the ceiling fan
 Eli with the paint roller for the ceiling
 Adam with the tiny rubik cube he got done
 Adam painting
 Me ready to do trim
 Papa and Jacob working on the ceiling fan

 Jared painting
 Upstairs bedroom painted grey now with new white ceiling fan up 
 Eli with Peyton and Isaac's birds on his shoulders

It was so windy and cold, plus it was snowing still this morning.  All the schools around here were closed.  I was glad Hailey didn't have to drive in this.  I talked to Kimmy and told her to stay home and stay safe.  She agreed as it was snowing and blowing out and she was concerned like me that there might be whiteouts.  Bill snowblower the driveways with his tractor and I shoveled side walks and paths on the deck.  After that, he went to Sam's Club for me and got plain bagels, blueberry and banana nut muffins, and hot dog buns.  My list said everything bagels, plain bagels, hot dogs and buns and both kinds of muffins.  He forgot the everything bagels and the hot dogs...didn't see them on the list ha ha.  It stopped snowing, so Kimmy called and said they were coming.  Vikki said she was coming too.  I was so glad when they were all here safely.  Bill picked up a ton of  wood pellets and Jacob and Adam unloaded them in 6 min. 21 seconds.  We all  worked on the bedroom.  Bill and Jacob got the fan down.  We took a break and ate bagels and muffins.  They were yummy.   Bill and Jacob got the new fan up. Jacob knows how to do it himself now.  He had to do lots of the work because Papa can't lift with his shoulder yet.  Kimmy, Vikki, Adam, and I painted.  Eli was our go for guy.  He was a great help too.  Jared came and he did lots of edge painting which was a huge help.  Vikki painted a corner of the ceiling and Kimmy did the rest.  She is great at painting with all the practice she has had.  We all painted the walls grey.  The room looks beautiful.  Can't wait for the new carpet now.  We got done in time for Jared, Kimmy and Jacob to head home before it was dark.  Adam is spending the night with us, and Eli is spending the night with Aunt Vikki.  Yay!  Jacob has drivers training in the morning (he checked to see if it was cancelled.  It wasn't!  Bummer)  He is going to spend the night here tomorrow night and Adam is going to spend the night with Aunt Vikki, because they will be coming back for Super Bowl Sunday.  They have Monday off from school too.  Jared said he talked to his mom which I was happy to hear since I didn't get an update today.  I will be so happy when she is back home and blogging again.  

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