Monday, November 7, 2022

Monday, 11/7/22, Bill had doctor appt., I walked on treadmill, went to Melissa's, trimmed shrubs, went to Evan's game, went to Vikki's

The tree that blew down yesterday.  Looks pretty bear in that spot now.
Melissa and I eating our caramel apples

Me holding Abby.  I sent this picture and a picture of me kissing Abby's head to Hailey and told her she was my Abby girl to tease her.
Bill, me and Jack at Evan's game.  Evan is number 10

Way to go Evan!
Papa Bill and Papa Dan watching the game...they look very interested in their grandson Evan!

Bill, Dan and Jack
Jack, Papa Dan, and Evan

Bill had a 7 a.m. doctor appt. so he was up early.  I got up after he was done showering.  I prayed over him, because he got a call Friday saying the doctor and nurse needed to talk to him together and then they made his appt. at a weird time.  Bill was nervous and couldn't get good sleep because he thought something was wrong with his blood test.  I was nervous and kept praying and praising Jesus and then would get peace.  I asked him if they said I should come with him and he said no.  He told him about worrying when he got to his appt. and they apologized and said they wouldn't do that again.  They just wanted to go over his blood test and everything was good he said.  What a relief.  I sure was praising God then.  I walked on the treadmill with my worship music on while he was gone.  Walked 2 miles, then ate breakfast...oatmeal of course.  I brought paint up from the basement and touched up some paint chip spots in the bathroom. Bill had coffee with Charlie after his appointment, then came home.  He left to pick Max up and take him to school, and I headed over to spend time with Melissa.  I took her a caramel apple to eat and ate mine there too.  They are from Jacks and are the best!  We visited for a while, then I came home to finish my Bible Study reading and lesson.  1 Peter sure helped me keep peaceful during this weekend when I kept thinking about the scriptures in it.  I came home and trimmed shrubs and cleaned out some plants.  Finished my work I needed to do for my Bible Study.  Bill got home and we relaxed for a while, then we left to pick up Jack and Evan for Evan's game.  The game ended with a score of 31 to 0.  Our team lost.  The other team had all amazing players on it.  Our team gave it a good try, but didn't make any points.  We were so happy when Evan got the ball a few times.  I sure was happy I had my camera on and got it on video.  This is his first year playing and he didn't even go after the ball at last weeks game.  Bill played some with him when he spent the night and also gave him some pointers.  This time he went after the ball and he put his hands up in the air.  Way to go Evan!  His Papa Dan surprised him and showed up at the game.  He drove a couple of hours to get here.  Bill and him had a good visit during the game.  He took the boys home for us since he was going to stop in to see Bruce and Melissa.  He picked everyone some KFC to eat up.   

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