Saturday, November 19, 2022

Sat., 11/19/22, Had our family Thanksgiving celebration, celebrated Charlie's 83rd birthday, Cold in the 20's, windy, snowy day

Jared, Melissa, Bill, Max and Kenzie
Evan, Jack, Eli, Issac and Kody

Vikki, Rody, D.J., Stacie, Sue, Charlie, and Bill
Adam, Peyton, Hailey, Jacob, Jared, Kimmy and Melissa
Sue, Charlie (getting ready to blow out his birthday candle for his 83rd Birthday) and Bill

Vader, Max and Jared
Peyton eating her roll
Jacob, Kenzie, Peyton, Hailey and Adam playing a game
Hailey, Kenzie, and Peyton

Kenzie practicing with her sewing machine.  Aunt Kimmy helped her.
Adam and Jacob playing a game with real serious faces

The next minute they had really happy faces


Adam, Max with Vader, and Jacob

Rody relaxing
Jack, Peyton and Eli

Max...Vader took over the pillow lol

Jack drawing, Eli laughing at Peyton on the other side of the table

Kenzie and Charlie

Eli with the jeweled glasses....Jared drawing
Adam drawing;  Eli, Jack and Peyton watching
All of us having fun playing Pictionary..Peyton drawing....Jared, Jack, Eli on the floor 
...Me, Adam and Papa on the couch...Kimmy and Vikki are behind the couch
Eli and Peyton

Isaac and Kody
Peyton, Hailey and Kenzie
Me and my Peyton

Peyton and Isaac with some good moves!

Papa, Peyton, Adam, Nana, Jacob, Jack and Eli

Got up early to get the dressing made, turkey in the oven, ham in the crockpot, cool whip on the pies, and some snacks out.  Bill went to the Marine Corp League Breakfast in Freeland.  He picked up some cheese and Hickory Stick afterwards.  Everyone came around 10:30-11.  We had a nice time hanging out and visiting.  We celebrated Charlie's 83rd birthday.  He was happy to see I made cupcakes for his birthday.  We sang to him, then he opened up his cards we all gave him.  The kids made cards for him.  

Kimmy, Jared, Max and Vikki played Skip Bo.  Charlie, Sue, Bill and I played Euchre.  We each won 2 games so had to play a play off game.  The guys won by 1 point.  Charlie's Birthday present I guess lol.  Jack, Melissa, Kimmy and Eli played Skip Bo next.  Stacie, D.J. and Kody had to leave, so we took a break in the middle of our games to eat pie.  They wanted to get home before dark to take care of their chickens and goats.  Charlie and Sue left about an hour after them because it was snowing and blowing and causing ice on the roads.  Max had a great time and didn't even want to leave. He had fun talking with Jared.  They ended up going to Costco to get dog food for Wyatt.  It was a great day!

After they left, we played Pictionary.  I got the Pictionary game out from the closet shelf, and realized there was a Kids Pictionary game.  I tried to slide the one I had pulled out first back in its spot, but all the other games started sliding down.  Kimmy came to my rescue, then she reorganized all the games so they are easy to get out now.  There are certainly a lot of games in that closet.  Girls were against guys in Pictionary.  The girls were ahead for a long time, but I don't remember who actually won.  We sure had fun playing though.  I just went to the basement and the score is still on the board...Girls 20, guys 13.  

The kids had fun doing flips, dancing and just hanging out together.  So nice to see them all having fun together.  

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