Friday, March 10, 2023

Sat., 3/11/23, Faith Riders chapter meeting, nap on new couch, sorted lots of stuff upstairs, went to Hockey game

Bill and I at Faith Riders meeting.  They snuck this had on me and all sang Happy Birthday.
Don giving the devotion at the meeting
Kit Kat comfy in the sunshine
Eli getting that broken branch down for Aunt Vikki.  Yikes!
Jack and Eli with the big branches Eli got down for Aunt Vikki.  He texted me that he risked his life and sent me these pictures.  Now I see why he said that.

Adam and Claire with their balloon hats before the game started.  We never had any trouble finding them lol.
Eli on the side and Jacob photo bombing!!!
Bill took the kids all down to ride on the Fan Boni.  He is on the left waiting to take a video of them when they come out.  Such a good papa!
Melisa took Isaac and Evan around to play games.  They sure had fun together!

Frankenmuth Bible Church did the worship
Melissa and I in the front row, Jacob, Eli, Jack, Adam, Claire, Evan, Isaac and Jared in the second row.  We ended up moving up by Jacob because there was no leg room.  We found out those weren't our actual seats and were very happy to move.
Waiting to get on the Fan Boni
Fun video of the kids on the Fan Boni
Claire and the seven grandkids we had with us on the Fan Boni.  They sure were having fun and so fun to watch!

They were on the big screen!

Evan and Isaac watching the game
Looking at Uncle Jared as he took this picture for me
Evan and Isaac with the Mascot for the Spirit Team
Me and Bill
Selfie Jacob took and sent to me of him, Jack, Isaac, Eli and Papa
Faith Riders section...Wes, Gayla, Jared, Don behind them. Others got there later

Bill was way down below by where the Fan Boni comes out and kept motioning to us to look.  He took this picture.  He has an amazing camera on his phone.
Jacob, and Eli enjoying the game
Kimmy and Vikki made this basket for Jared while we were at the game.  It's going to go by his fish tank.

We went to Faith Riders chapter meeting in the morning.  Barb took Lew's place as he and Cindy couldn't come yet because it's too close after his bypass surgery.  She did a great job.
It was a good meeting and nice getting together with everyone.  Bill announced that he's going to be the State Coordinator now.  Everyone was happy for him.

We came home and were tired from staying up really late and getting up early, so he took a name in the loveseat recliner and I decided to try out the new couch.  It sure was comfy.  
When I got up, I went upstairs and sorted through some things I am donating to Goodwill.  I also talked to Kenzie and there are some things her and I have great memories of so she is taking some of those and also some curtains I loved, but they don't match anymore.  

I texted with my sister, Brenda, to check and see how she is feeling after being diagnosed with Covid.  She told me she is coughing up stuff now, so I sent a picture of what helped everyone in our family feel better and help the congestion while going through it.  She was sending her hubby to Rite Aid to get some for her.

In the evening, we picked up Melissa, then went to Vikki's to pick up kids to go to the Hockey for the Homeless game.  Evan and Isaac rode with Bill, Melissa and I, and the rest of the boys and Claire rode with Jared.  Peyton had Lilly over and hung out with Kimmy and Vikki.  We sure had fun at the hockey game.  Evan and Isaac had fun playing games; Adam and Claire had fun getting a connected balloon hat, we all enjoyed the good worship that Frankenmuth Bible Church led.  We went in to find our seats.  We got pops and popcorn.  Bill got his and mine first.  The he was so fun and took all the kids with him to get what they wanted for snacks/drinks.  Melissa and I went later and got her a pop and Bill a popcorn.  It sure was packed.  We smelled a burned oil smell while we were in line.  When we took Bill his popcorn, I tried it and it tasted like that burned smell.  He told me to see if any of the kids wanted it.  Jacob tasted it and like it so he ate it happily.  If I wouldn't have mentioned it to Bill, he might have enjoyed it more lol.  The kids were so fun on the Fan Boni and we sure enjoyed seeing them be so enthusiastic.  Great group of kids there!
Our team won the game and lots of money was raised for the Rescue Mission which is great.  We left and headed home.  We took Evan and Jack this time so we could just go to Melissa's.  Jared took Isaac with him because he had to pick up Kimmy from Vikki's.  Such a fun evening with wonderful family and friends.

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