Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thurs., 3/16/23, Went to lunch with Lisa, picked up Meredith and took her to work, Bill picked up Jack and Evan and go t new ping pong table set up, went to Eli's concert

Cookie I ate today
Jack, Melissa, Kimmy, Me and Vikki at Eli's concert
Eli playing the clarinet at his band concert.  He did an amazing job.  They sounded so good!

Eli and I
Vikki and Eli
Vikki, me, Melissa, and would have thought it was St. Patrick's day as we all wore green.  Eli did too!
Vikki, Jack, Eli, Melissa and Kimmy after the concert
Jack and Eli after the concert

Bill went to pick up Jack and Evan from school.  They had a half day today.  They all went to Culver's and when they got to our house Jack helped Bill lift the table to finish settig it up.

I went to Fuzzy's for lunch with Lisa today.  I had a personal pizza that was delicious.  After lunch we went to a thrift store.  We both got some greeting cards and I found a CMU sweatshirt that was cute that I got and thought about Melissa when I got it.  I didn't know about the size.   I dropped Lisa off at her house, and then went to a small shop with lots of neat things for the house in it.  It also has beautiful ladies tops for reasonable prices.  I got a wicker basket that looks so pretty.  I went to McDonalds afterwards and picked up a Happy Meal for Meredith and then went to pick her up from school.  We had a nice visit and she was so happy to have food before I dropped her off at work.  She thanked me a few times and then even sent me a sweet text.  I went home then and Melissa and Bruce were  at our house picking up Jack and Evan when I got there.  I told her about the sweatshirt and found out she didn't have a CMU one, so gave it to her.  It looks like it will fit great. 

Vikki came over and had a strawberry shortcake.  Melissa and Jack came a little later and Jack had one of my special cookies.  Melissa wasn't hungry.  We all went to Eli's concert and was it ever packed.  There were people having to stand by the walls.  Kimmy saved two seats, but couldn't save more.  Vikki and I found two other seats way up high.  Then some seats opened up behind Melissa, Jack and Kimmy so we moved there.  After the first 2 concerts were over, some people left, so we were able to sit next to Kimmy, Melissa and Jack. All of the bands did great and it was such a nice concert.  Eli did a great job playing his clarinet.  We hung out for a while and took pictures after Eli was done helping move the band's chairs.  

On our way home, we saw something running out to the road, I said deer, cat, fox, and we all laughed because of the game Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese Pizza.  The fox ran part way in the road, then turned around and went back the way it came.  It was so cool to see it so close.  

Melissa and I visited while Jack and Papa played ping pong.  I started playing with Jack because he asked me to, but then Vikki called, so papa took my place.  Jack is getting very good at ping pong now.  We had so much fun with him!

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