Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tues., 3/28/23, The boys got up earlier today, Moved stuff out of the basement and into the basement, lots of ping pong games going on,


Papa gave the boys some tips for playing ping pong and played with them
These two played lots of ping pong today and are getting very good at it

Eli relaxing at the table, waiting for his turn to play Papa

Good food and lots of fun with these two when I took them to G's Pizza

My new sign originally said "You are so special".  Then I noticed a certain person had changed it to Are you so special.  Then after changing it back, it ended up saying this.  Can anybody guess who the certain person is?
Jared looks pretty guilty doesn't he.  
Evan and Adam...Adam helped him with is computer
Me, Jacob and Kimmy during our game
Adam, Melissa and Bill on the other side of the table
Little cozy corner where Bill will mount the TV and will hook up the Wi so they can play the games they like

Started some laundry, emptied the dishwasher, ate my oatmeal and drank my coffee, then read our Bibles.  The boys got up at 9:45 which is early for them when they are here.  Of course they stay up very late too.  I read some Scriptures from the book of James to them.  Then Bill showed a 20 minute video clip he watched last night about the second coming of Jesus to them.  It was really good.  We had a good discussion about it afterward.

We all went down to the basement and Bill took the foosball table apart and the boys hauled it to the garage.  They also hauled up the bookcase and some totes of books.  I did some sweeping and vacuuming.  The boys picked up all of their nerf bullets.  They were both such a great help.  Were rearranged things then, and put chairs in a corner where Bill is going to mount the tv.  

After that, the boys and Bill played lots of ping pong.  So nice that they have more room and there isn't a table behind them for the balls to go under.  These boys are learning to put spins on the ball and lots of other good moves.  Bill is a great teacher for them.

Bill ate the leftover chicken, mashed potatoes and noodles I brought home for him yesterday from Zehnders.  I took the boys to G's for pizza.  The boys loved the pizza!  We had ground beef and pepperoni with sesame seed crust.  We got a 16 inch pizza.  I ate 2 pieces and each boy ate 5 pieces.  We had nice discussions while we ate.  Eli told Jack about the Jacob's Choice book and how Jacob was his grandfather (he wasn't sure if great great or great great great.) 

The boys played more ping pong, than they wanted to watch the movie, Encounter.  Good Christian movie with a great message.  I made popcorn and closed the curtains so it would be dark, then we all watched it.  Melissa and Evan came about a half hour before it was over.  Evan played on his computer at the kitchen table and Melissa sat with us.  Kimmy, Jared and the boys came and we all ate either baked chicken and rice casserole or pizza.  Jared took the boys to their fencing class.  Bill, Kimmy, Jacob, Adam, Melissa and I played partners in SkipBo.  It was girls against the boys.  The boys seemed to have all the good cards in their pile plus drew all the good cards.  Finally in the end Melissa and Kimmy had some really good hands and got our piles down low, but the boys won.  We sure had a good come back though.  

We sure were missing Vikki and the kids.  We called her though and talked to her for a while and looked at some pictures she was sending us.  

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