Friday, February 2, 2024

Friday, 2/2/24, Kimmy, Melissa and Vikki came over, fun day hanging out together, Vader and Lucy’s 6th Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday to Lucy and Vader.  Two of the best dogs ever!  Love these doggies!

Max holding the birthday dogs
Vader, Abby, Badger, Lucy, In front row....Riley and Richter
Melissa and Riley...Riley is just the best dog.  She’s Bruce’s dad’s dog and is so cute!
An old picture of my mom, me and Kimmy, Vikki and Melissa with all the afghans my mom made for us.  She made Melissa a pink one after all of these were finished.  So nice that she did that for all of us girls.  Lots of work and lots of love put into them. 
Richter visiting today...he’s a great dog too!
Riley relaxing in the family room
Melissa giving the dogs treats

My great niece Molly and her boyfriend were elected Winter Queen and King tonight
With her mom and dad, my niece and nephew
With her Grandma and Grandpa, my sister Brenda and her husband Dave

Bill went to pay our car insurance bill.  Then he met Charlie for coffee.  Kimmy came over in the morning.  We watched the videos of Jacob’s concert.  He did great and looked so handsome.  There was one song with the clarinet section playing that was just amazing to hear.  So proud of Jacob!  After that, we started watching some parts of the Dove awards, I wanted Kimmy to see.  Melissa got here with Riley and Richter and watched some with us.  Kimmy and I tried to see if we could tighten the stand to my light, but found out it was cracked all around the bottom.  We decided it was unfixable.  After that Kimmy sewed a fleece top of Evan’s.  Then she sewed a rip in the couch where Bill sits.  I guess it has been there for 2 years he said, but I just found out about it not too long ago.  Kimmy used upholstery thread on it so it should hold for a long time.  She did such a great job, you can’t even notice where it it.  Thank you Kimmy!  We ate goulash for lunch after she finished sewing.  I kept some plain out for her and sent it home with her.  Vikki came when she got out of work and she had goulash too.  Kimmy had to leave to get Adam.  Melissa, Vikki and I had a nice visit. Then Vikki had to go pick up the kids and Melissa had to get home.  It sure was a fun day.  I had to go pick up my colonoscopy prep, so I took some goulash over to Charlie and Sue while I was out.  She had to have a shot in her hip area yesterday that was pretty painful, plus she was in pain when she got home too.  She was doing better today.
Bill and I watched a movie called Miracle in Manchester.  It was based on a true story and was really good.  

So happy for my great niece Molly for being crowned Winter Queen.  She is a really sweet girl who loves Jesus.  She’s beautiful!  Her brother who is an eighth grader got asked to play with the Varsity team tonight too.  I’m proud of them both. 


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