Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sat. 2/17/24, Bill snowblowed the driveway, then he went with Charlie, Marti from church and his son came to give us estimate, went to ABC warehouse, went to Maple Grill, went to Jack’s, Melissa and Bruce had water problem so Melissa. Kids and dogs came over

It was only 15 degrees this morning, very very windy, and more snow
Me and my Abby!  I sent Hailey a picture to show her my dog and me.  She texted back that her dog was so cute.  I love teasing her about Abby being mine.
Badger and Vader...two beautiful great dogs!
Bill at the Maple Grill...when I showed Melissa the picture she said they sat at the same table today when they were there
Evan warming up.  He had just gone on a long walk in the cold before he came to our house
Jack after he beat Papa at ping pong.  Yay Jack!
Papa relaxing after the game too
Bill was giving Max warm things to put on because it was only 21 degrees and super windy out
We had Vikki face time us so we could see Rehvyn.  He and Kenzie are spending the night there
He’s so sweet and we love him so much!  Nice seeing Vikki and Kenzie too.  Peyton was at a birthday party, so Vikki had to go pick her up after we finished.
Max in Papa’s coat too.  I told him know one would know who he was and he laughed and smiled a big smile...picture below

Jared’s Brine Shrimp many shrimp!!!

We slept in til 8:30.  I had my oatmeal and coffee and Bill had his protein drink.  I looked out to see it had snowed and the deck had about an inch of new snow on it.  He went out right away and snow blowed the driveways and did the paths to the shed and around my bird feeders.  Charlie picked him up and they went out for coffee after that.  I did some cleaning in the kitchen.  

Bill got home and finished the shed driveway.  Then Marti we know from church and his son who have a home maintenance business, came to look at our stove and cupboards to see about making the space bigger so we can put a 30 inch stove in.  They are writing up an estimate.   Marti will talk to us at church tomorrow and let us know the amount.  Bill and I went to look at over the stove microwaves, because they are going to put one of them in for us too.  We are just going to let them pick one up at Home Depot for us because they just put one in for someone else that was the right size we need and he got it online there.

Melissa called me to tell me she and Bruce went to the Maple Grill and used the gift card we got them for Christmas.  She said they have pot pie there today and it was super delicious.  They also had delicious mashed potatoes and parsnips for sides with it.  She said she and Bruce should have split one because they were huge.  She also told us they would probably be closing early because they were running out of food so many people were coming.  We went and ate and it was all delicious.  It’s the first time I’ve tried parsnips.  Bill wouldn’t even try them.  I showed Melissa the picture I took later and she told me we sat at the same table they did.  What are the chances?

I was talking to Melissa on the phone, and all of a sudden she screamed and said there was water every where.  I told her to go take care of it and call me back.  When she called back, she said sewer water (it was clear though at least) from upstairs came pouring down in the kitchen and then was running down to the basement.  Poor Max was in the basement and came running upstairs and the sewer water poured down on him.  Bruce had had problems with the toilet and put a snake down because the plunger wouldn’t work.  He had Melissa throw towels down, then had her leave and bring the kids and dogs to our house.  He worked on cleaning the mess up while he waited for the plumber he called to get there.  It would be at least a two hour wait or more.  Max took a good hour shower when he got here.  The bar of soap disappeared so we know he scrubbed lots.  Poor kid.  I washed his dirty clothes.     Melissa went home to pick up Jack and Evan.  They were on a walk when everything happened.  The boys played ping pong with Papa and Jack finally beat him.  He was so happy.  We had pizza for dinner and Evan had Spagettio’s.  Max put on a hat Bill gave him.  It was a MSU hat, so I sent a picture to Jacob.  Then Bill gave him his Marine Corp. jacket to wear.  He also put glasses on.  We were laughing saying no one would know who he was.  Then he was laughing too.  Vader, his service dog, didn’t even recognize him at first.  He and papa went out and shot a couple of times, then came in because it was just too cold at 21 degrees and strong winds.  They were out there around 7 minutes.  

Melissa took a couple of fans I had here home for Bruce to use to dry the floors, etc.  Evan and Max went home with her and stayed there.  Jack stayed with us.  Melissa came back.  We talked to Kenzie for a while, because she called and wanted to know what happened.  

I talked to Kimmy and Jared after they dropped Jacob off and had gone to a fish store.  Kimmy sent me a video of the Shrimp Hatchery. I couldn’t believe how many baby shrimp there are.  They said their fish loved eating them.  

Bruce let Melissa know the plumber is on his way at 9:04.  Yay!  Praying!Jack, Melissa, Bill and I had some cashews and M & M’s for a snack.   He got there around 9:30 and finished around 10:05.  Fixed the problem quickly and it was only $125, so prayers were answered.  Melissa and Jack left for home once he was finished.

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