Friday, May 24, 2024

Fri., 5/24/24, Fed birds, watered plants, packed last minute stuff, baked a rhubarb pie, took a chipmunk to it new home, went to Sue’s, left for


Below are pictures of our Russell hardworking grandsons working at their Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tom’s. She said they were the best workers!

I ate breakfast and drank my cup of coffee, then went outside to see if I caught anything.  I caught another chipmunk and delivered him to his new home with his relatives.  I loved seeing my bluebirds this morning. Didn’t see my orioles, but filled their jelly jars and put a new orange out. I put sprinklers on my plants I didn’t water last night.  Packed last minute things in the camper.  Went to Sue’s to drop off some cabbage buns.  Charlie was just getting home. He wasn’t doing good last night, so I asked if I could help him.  I took the groceries into the house for him while he put olipops in the refrigerator in the garage.

I talked to him more when i went back outside to leave and gave him a hug goodbye.  He found out what his problem was so should be doing better soon.  

I came home and fed the birds, then we left for BayShore.  We got there at the same time as Barb and Ron.  Wes and Gayla came about 25 minutes later.  We parked in a square facing each other, with the fence making up the last side of the square.  The guys helped each other with outside stuff.  We all played the penny game with Wes and Gayla and had fun.  Ron and Barb came and learned how to play it too.   Wes, Gayla, Bill and I went putt putt golfing.  We are camped right next to it.  We had lots of fun and the temperature outside was perfect.  Bill was the winner.  We ate, then went to ride the wagon into town to there’s Barn for ice cream.  We had a nice time visiting while waiting in line.  We came back to the campground and it had cooled down a lot.  Some workers got let off the golf cart at the Ambian hall and the young girl driving offered me a ride.  I hopped on and rode the rest of the way.  I sure did thank her.  

We all got warmer clothes on , then sat outside together and visited.  I talked to Hailey and Melissa while they were walking two miles.  Hailey is coming up to visit us in the morning for the day! Yay!  We came in the camper and read our Bibles, then played 3-13.  I was the winner tonight, but it was close.

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